chapter 22

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I sit in the chair, a taller boy with scissors and a shaver behind me, This isn't real. It can't be real. It's just some sick freshman prank.. that's all..

"Ready?" He says with scissors ready in his hand. They wouldn't really shave all the girls heads as well right?

A haircut is one thing.. but that.. I'm being silly.. those boys were just being stupid. "Wow! This must be the longest I've seen! A shame really.." he says.

It's not true. Not real. Just a silly silly game.. it's only a haircut, a bob maybe, it will be fine. "Let's just section off this here." He say while section it.

I watch in horror as he grabs the electric clippers. Flips the switch, and the section falls to the floor. "Wha-?!" I say in shock. It's real. Oh my gosh, he's shaving.. hea- my head!- HES SHAVING MY HEAD!!

"Here you go young miss!" He says. Half of my hair is gone, it's in the bin! What is this?..

"Am I going to be bald?.." I ask. "Well of course miss! I thought you knew? With the new school policy and all." He answers.

"WHAT!" I said. I shriek and cry out but he's ruthless with the shaver. He finishes and there's not a single hair on my head. "I'm done!" He says.

forced haircutsWhere stories live. Discover now