chapter 23

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"Just shut up! Your so annoying today!" My mom says angrily.

"Mom?" I say. "What!" She says. I could already tell she was in a bad mood. "Can you book an appointment for a haircut?" I ask. "Later." She says. I leave.

Later I come back and ask again. "Mom? Can you book it now?" I ask. "I can do it myself for free. Come on now," she says. "Are you sure?" I say, not trusting her fully. "I took a hairdressing class for a year, you can trust me" she says. "I don't know.." I say. "Do want the haircut or not?" She says. She looks at me kinda of looking mad. I nod. "Fine." I say.

"Mom, I only want three inches off." I say. She nods. My hair was to my belly button. My mom took out her phone and started to video the haircut. But before she could set up her phone, she got a text. It was some stupid thing but my mom, already being annoyed, got very mad. She needed to take her anger out on something, and that something was me.


She started to cut off three inches. Then she realized, she was in control, she could do whatever she wanted. So then, she cut to my shoulders. She started to cut all the way around. I looked down at my hair on the ground. She had cut way more then three inches. I started to cry, I was absolutely helpless.

She looked, saw me crying, and then decided to cut even more off. She cut my hair to above my ears. She was recording this. She pulled out a shaver. She shaved the back, I looked like a boy. It was so much shorter then before. When my mom finally let me go I got mad at her.

"Mom! What the hell! You cut all my hair off and recorded it." I say. "Well if you would just shut up, you would maybe still have your hair." She says.


I was scrolling on tiktok and found my moms video. It had hundreds of thousands of likes. I read the comments. 'That poor girl.' 'The mom should go to jail' 'what's her @, I want to talk to her.' But one really stood out. It was the top comment, my mom had obviously ignored it but it read right there, 'the mom should let the daughter cut her hair.' It had over 200 thousand likes.

I get up to go show my mom. "Mom!" I call out to her. "What!?" She shouts back. She comes up the stairs. I stare at her, I should be mad at her. She cut my hair. But why do I like it.. "uh read this comment." I say. I show her the comment. "Fine, but only because I feel bad. I did cut off a lot I guess." She said.

She sets up her phone to record. She sits in the chair and I set the timer to start recording. First, I cut about 2 inches off. My mom is calm, she thinks I'm gonna be nice. Maybe I will, but I wanna get revenge.

I cut off to her shoulders. She is still too calm, I'll cut it to her ears. She looks a little shocked, I decided that enough revenge and I cut around her head. She looks like a Karen. Perfect punishment for doing this to me. I stop the video. "Ok mom, your done." She gets up and I post the video. I tag myself and when it finished posting, I liked it and commented. 'That's what you get mom!' I start getting followers. They followed me.

Am I dreaming? They want to follow me. The girl that has short hair. All the kids at school hate me, they think I'm weird.


AN: that's the end of this story! As I said, I am going to keep posting. I just had really bad authors block before that. Hope you enjoyed, I am hoping to come out with a couple more chapters and continue this story.

Words: 679

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