chapter 31

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it was finals week. I was stressed trying to study for 8 different classes. I was so stressed I forgot about math. The one that matters most to my mom. She cares the most about math. She says it's very important for my future. I didn't remember until the teacher said. "Alright everyone, everything off your desk. Test time!" He said. Mr. Matthew's tests are super extreme.

I started to put my stuff on the floor and he started handing out the tests. "Once you get your test you can start!" He said. Once I got mine I started to guess on the questions. I waited till someone handed back their test and gave mine too. I waited till the end of the period. I sprinted out of there.

I ran to my next classes but forgot what I studied because I was so stressed. The end of the day was near and the results my mom would see. She would not be happy. I started to prepare myself to be yelled at or slapped.

Once we got home my mom was quiet. She was cleaning. She finished washing the dishes and turned to me. "Go to the bathroom and wait for me." She said in a stern tone. I made my way to the bathroom. In there was a chair. And I sat in it.

Soon my mom joined me. She had a box of tools. "Rory. I got an email from the school. Can you guess what it said?" She said. I looked down at my lap and shook my head. "You failed every single one of your exams." She told me. I nodded. She opened up the box. She started to tie my hair in six ponytails. What was she doing?

Then I heard the blades of scissors. Then I knew what was happening. She grabbed one of the ponytails and slowly chopped at it. It was so loud right next to my ear. Tears were falling from my cheeks. Then I realised how short she had cut it. Ear length. My hair was always waist length. She put the ponytail in my lap.

"I think you've been spending too much time on your hair and that's why you failed your tests. Your gonna have very short hair until you get your grades up." She smiled. Then the reality of it fell in. She cut another ponytail, making sure I heard the loud snip. The hair didn't even touch my neck. She put it in my lap.

The next couple ponytails she cut higher up, she wanted my hair shorter. The last ponytail she lined up at the top of my ear and cut. It was the loudest one. If my dad was home he would have definitely heard it. She pulled out the clippers. She plugged them into the outlet. She flipped the on switch. The buzz and vibration were heard from miles away. She put the clippers on my neck and dragged them to the other side of my head. The clippers severed what hair I had left on the bottom of my head. She flipped the off switch.

She grabbed the scissors again shaping the shirt ass haircut. The haircut so much shorter then my old waist length hair. In fact I looked like boy. "Your gonna have to get used to this." She said.

I sat in the kitchen sobbing, while my mom made supper. My dad arrived home. He heard me crying and rushed over. "Sweetie! What happened? Why is your hair so short?" He asked. Mom cut in. "I cut it. It looked good doesn't it?" She laughed. My dad gave her a dirty look. "Don't worry it'll grow back." He smiled at me.

He turned to my mom. "Jennifer! What were you thinking! You cut like 20 fucking inches off for god fucking sake!" He shouted. I only cried more. "It was punishment haircut! She needed to learn a lesson! Would you rather me shave hair bald?!" She asked while screaming.

I cried harder and then my dad grabbed the razor and shaved off a big portion of my moms hair. He forced her to sit down and be shaved. She was shaved until she was shiny. He put hair in her. He washed it off. "I hope you learned your lesson." He said and walked away.

This was requested by @RenuRatendraBaliyan
Thank you for the requests, remember they are still open! :) I'll try my best to get to all of them.

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