chapter 27

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There she sat, crying, hair blowing in the wind. Her long strands ready to be chopped off. "Taylor." She quickly turned around to see her boyfriend. "Tristan.." She looked down at the floor. He stood next to her. "What did I tell you?" He asked. She flinched. "T-too not cry." She said nervously. "That's right, and what happens when you do?" He asked again. "You will c-cut it.." She said swallowing a lump in her throat. She looked back up at him, seeing scissors in his hands.

She begged him not too. But he still did. He grabbed a piece of her hair and cut. Cutting off inches by the second. She cried more, as he cut off another piece in the front. "Baby, stop crying, you're gonna look so cute with short hair." He said. She nodded. She didn't agree with the statement but to reduce the punishment she had to agree.

Wiping the tears, she began to look him in the eyes. "Tristan, why are you doing this?" She asked. He only replied by cutting off another strand. He continued cutting her hair. Leaving only an inch or two left on her head. He cut the back shorter with clippers.

When he was finished, she reached up to feel her hair. Her hair strands ended with in a couple seconds unlike it used to be. Her hair used to go down her back, dark brown hair, and very long. This short hair was a shock. She felt like a boy. The short hair was all too much. Why did Tristan do this?

She fell asleep in his arms forgetting about the haircut. She was so cute sleeping on his shoulder. Especially with the new haircut he gave her. He wished she could keep it forever. So he googled it.

'How to make someone's hair stop growing forever?' He searched. He found a new method online. It showed how to make someone's hair stop growing, specifically a girl, with very short hair. It was perfect for the girl.

Tristan tried to start making the subtance. He stirred in everything to make this work. He walked over to Taylor. He put the cream on her head. He started to spread it around, until her whole head was covered. He washed it out and it was done.

He hasn't noticed anything until he saw his friends girlfriend. They got the same haircut at the sametime. Taylor's? Hadn't grown at all. Jessica's? It was already past her shoulders. That's when he panicked.

Had he made a mistake? Her hair would be short forever. Never to grow again. But her clinginess never left. Even with short hair, she was still clingy. That haircut, wasn't enough to make her not love him. The haircut, that was meant for a boy, was made for her.

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