chapter 33

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"Go get me some coffee, Mrs. Barrett." My boss, Mr. Williams said. "Yes, sir." I said. I quickly turned around and headed to the elevator. I went down to the office. I start to make his coffee the way he likes it. Once I finished making it, I went back up to his office.

I entered the room. He had chair pulled out and a bunch of salon supplies. I stopped and stood there. "Well, Barrett, I found a piece of your hair in my coffee yesterday. And quite frankly, I think you hair is distracting you." Mr. Williams said. He made a hand tell me to come here. Without thinking I started walking towards him. He sat me down in the chair. He put the cape around my neck trapping me in the chair.

"I love you Mrs. Barrett. I'm so lonely, I've fallen helplessly in love with you. Your so pretty and angelic. Will you be my girlfriend?" He said. I tried not to cry. But I started sobbing regardless. "Oh don't cry my love, you'll be living with me. You can go shopping whenever you like soon!" He said.

I looked down at the floor. My hair currently goes past my butt. My boyfriend gathered my hair as close to my head as he could. He tied it tightly with a rubber band. He started braiding my hair and once he got to the bottom he tied it off with a smaller hair-tie. "Faye, are you ready?" He asked. I nodded. He took the scissors and started chopping off the braid. I started to cry. Chopping sounds rang out of the building. I was sobbing as he pulled the braid away from my head.

"Baby.." He kissed me. "Should I do a boycut or something else?" He asked. "Maybe something else?" I said, hoping for something different. He nodded. He got up and plugged in the clippers. I shut my eyes and crossed my fingers. He then shaved right through the middle of my head.

I had these feelings bottled up inside me. I did love him.. I want to marry him. And suddenly I stopped crying. He knows what's best and I love him.

He shaved more of my head with the clippers. Around the ears, and then the hairline. And he was done with the clippers. "Leo.. is it over?" I asked. He shook his head. He grabbed the shaved cream and put some on my head. He massaged it in and then he put some on my eyebrows. He picked up the straight razor and first shaved off my eyebrows. It felt so weird to be bald there. He looked at me and smiled. "Your beautiful already. I can't wait to take you to dinner and see you in a wedding dress." He said.

He continued with the razor blade shaving my head. He shaved and shaved until it was over. He grabbed the towel and dried my head. He untied me and kissed my shiny bald head. "Go put this on darling." He smiled. He handed me a short black dress. It looked expensive. I changed and made sure it was perfectly acceptable to wear. He then handed me earrings and necklaces. I put on the chunky hoops and dainty gold necklaces. He then handed me some heels, which I quickly slipped on. He gave me his coat and I put that on as well. He gave me a new prada handbag that matched the outfit perfectly.

He took my hand and we walked out of his office. We went down the road to the most fancy restaurant in town. He was famous so the paparazzi followed him everywhere. They stopped him. "Mr. Williams whos this? And why's she bald?" They asked. They pointed the microphone right in his face. "She's my girlfriend, and i smooth shaved her this afternoon. Isn't she beautiful?" He smiled at me. He walked away before they could ask him anymore questions.

Once we got in the restaurant there was more paparazzi waiting for him. He then, got on one knee, and pulled out a ring. The diamond was huge. It was embellished with rosé quartz pieces around the huge diamond and on a gold ring. "Will you marry me?" He asked. I covered my mouth in shock. "Yes!" I said.

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