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l u k e

by the time the test came around, i wasn't ready.

i couldn't remember anything i had read about and i was concerned about failing the test. i have a prefect grade and messing it up now would look pretty bad on my record.

i bubbled in the answers i thought were correct and checked them over before i handed them to the professor.

i crossed my fingers that i had at least higher than a ninety-five. i left the class as soon as gathered my things and went home.

i checked my mail box for mail but found nothing. as soon as i was about to walk away, the mail box of apartment number '13b' caught my eye.

i remembered that that was my neighbor's mail box. i checked to make sure no one around before i came closer and read the name.

13b; michael clifford

"michael," i said to myself.

"yeah that's me," i heard someone say, and i turned around to be met with my neighbor.

"o-oh hi, i didn't mean to be weird but i-i just wanted to know what your name was," i said blushing at the fact that i had been caught. now he is going to think that i'm interested in him.

"it's okay cutie," he said, and pulled out his key to open his little mail box, taking out the few letters he had in there. "so do you want to go back to my place?"

"um, no i don't," i said starting to walking in the opposite direction but he grabbed my hand.

"yes you do, come on, just for a while? we can play xbox if you want," he smiled.

to be honest, he seemed like he could be a nice guy. well, if you ignore the fact that he is the reason why i hear constant moaning and probably the reason i won't get an one hundred on this test.

"please?" he asked again, "just for half an hour?"

i thought about it for a while. i already took the test, so there is nothing to study, and i probably won't do anything besides sleep and watch american horror story.

on top of that, i'll be living beside this guy for a while until one of us moves out, and who knows when thats going to be, so i might as well get to know him better.

"okay, but not for too long," i said going up the stairs.

"yay!" he said zooming past me up the stairs like a little kid. he was faster than i thought.

once we were in front of his apartment he unlocked it and gestured for me to go in first.

"excuse the mess, yesterday was kinda my lazy day," he spoke as he picked up the corona beer bottles from the table.

"its okay, my apartment is messy every day," i told him and i took a seat on his couch.

"so what do you want to play? is portal okay with you?" he lifted it up to show me.

"yeah sure," i answered back. i never knew much about video games so i agreed to play this one.

"here is the controller," he said and for the next hour we played portal, right after he taught me how to play of course.

"so why do you live here?" he asked, pausing the game and turning to face me, "i don't mean to be rude, but you'd think that a person with your brains and looks would live elsewhere."

"well i am currently in college, and working part time at hot topic doesn't earn me millions. for me money comes and goes as i pay bills and such. what about you? why do you live here?"

"well i don't earn much and i got thrown out of my old apartment." he said laughing a bit.

"what's so funny?" i said smiling, "and why did they throw you out?"

"funny story actually, the owner of the building kept getting complaints about me and my "noises" so he told me to stop because other people were threatening to move out. and well... i did get thrown out, so you can guess that i didn't stop." he finished and started laughing.

"oh my god michael you got kicked out of your old apartment for masturbating!?"

"yep pretty much, but hey, he gave me the xbox as long as i moved out."

"i can't believe this," i said handing him the controller.

"well, i guess i just can't keep my hands off myself."


this really means a lot and it motivates me to keep going! anyways, thank you for everything and have an amazing day or night (⌒▽⌒) )

(updates will be on saturdays or sundays depending how much homework i get)

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