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l u k e

the fact that michael hadn't cursed or moaned load enough for me to hear recently, actually surprised me.

i had gotten used to the many things he would scream and not being able to sleep became a problem i worried about less after a while. in fact, the quietness bothered me in some way.

it was odd that michael found a way to go from masturbating 24/7, to not masturbating at all. any type of change or process takes a while, and i personally think that michael isn't capable of change this quick.

although i am thankful for the fact that studying is no problem at all and that i can fall asleep at the speed of light, i still wonder how michael did it.

on top of his quick change, michael has recently been spending less time inside of his apartment, or anywhere near the apartment building for that matter.

although he occasionally greets me when he sees me, and asks me how i'm doing, i feel somewhat hurt.

after three and a half months of living next to him, i honestly thought that we would become great friends, but now that we rarely hang out, the chances of becoming best friends, is melting under the sun.

last week i saw michael leaving his apartment, with his leather jacket and newly dyed black hair. (MicHAel's BlaCk HAIR FuCK)

"hey luke, um if you want you can go in and play with the xbox, the key is at the top of the door frame, so just reach there if you want to get in. um i have to go now so bye!" was all he told me before he rushed downstairs.

that day i took the key off the top of the door frame and played xbox until midnight. he still didn't arrive home so i decided to go back to my room and sleep.

now i just woke up at eleven and with nothing to do. i got a bowl of cereal and watched a bit of tv before i decided that i should play on the xbox again.

i called michael and he didn't pick up so i figured that he was out for the day, he never pick up his phone when he is busy.

i changed out of my pajamas and went over to his apartment.

i felt for the keys at the top of the door frame and when i found them i unlocked and opened the door.

i dropped the keys and quickly covered my eyes when i saw what was happening inside.

michael was sitting on the couch, biting his lip, with his sweatpants pooled at his ankles, and a dark haired boy on his knees in front of him.

"oh my goodness no no oh no s-sorry i didn't know you two were oh my god i'll just leave now," i said frantically as i tried to walk out with my eyes covered, bumping into the wall.

"no luke, wait!" michael called and rushed over to me who was flailing my arms in attempt to find the exit quickly.

"you can open your eyes now luke," michael told me, taking my hands off my eyes.

"do you have pants on now?" i questioned.

"yes i do."

my hands left my eyes and there was michael with his sweatpants up. behind him, the dark haired boy got up from his knees and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand.

"he's got a big cock don't you think?" he questioned casually as he walked over, "you should feel it when it's up your a-"

"okay calum, thanks for the compliment but don't continue that sentence. not in front of luke at least," he said and then turned back to me.

"whatever you say babe," calum said and then flopped onto michael's couch, turning on the tv.

michael then pulled me out into the empty hallway. "um.. yeah, sorry you had to see that. i guess i have some explaining to do now huh?"

(a/n well then... does anyone have any suggestions as to what should happen next? i want to have a few chapters before michael teaches luke a few things ;)

anyways, thank you all so much for the amount of reads, i'm honestly surprised anyone would read this. comment and vote if you would like! :D)

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