the signs as friends

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aries:always wants to go with you places and show you their favorite things

taurus:very protective of you and will try to comfort you in any way possible

gemini:loves to just chill. really down to earth and sweet

cancer:loves making inside jokes and likes to tease a lot but can be really caring

leo:can sometimes bother you with their silliness but will always listen to what you say

virgo:loves laughing with you and sharing new things with you

libra:has the desire to just explore absolutely everything with you and has basically no limits when it comes to fun

scorpio:will constantly talk about things they would like to do in the future with you

sagittarius:can be a bit stubborn at times but will show a lot of love and affection

capricorn:desires a really deep connection with you and will always try to understand how you feel about things

aquarius:really weird and constantly says funny stuff but is always there for you and can get serious when you need them to

pisces:wants to be as close as possible with you and loves discovering new things with you

Zodiac Signs etc.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora