The Signs Trapped On An Island (Pt 2)

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Scorpio: Guys, I am so thirsty.

Leo: *snickers*

Scorpio: Why is everything sexual with you??

Leo: *smirk*

Scorpio: OK, if we have to start eating people, Leo goes first.

Libra: Guys, I found water!

Capricorn: *rubbing temples* For the last time Libra, we can't drink that water, it's salt water, and it will KILL us.

Libra: *confused look* *sits down angrily*

Virgo: *not dead* I'll explain it this time.

Cancer: Guys, has anyone seen Pisces?

Gemini: *flirting with Aries* Last time I saw Pisces, she went to go look for water with Taurus.

Aries: *groans* They're gonna kill each other!

Aquarius: That's two less people we have to worry about.

Cancer: That's not funny!

*Pisces and Taurus walk into the camp* We found water!

Sagittarius: You're not dead! *runs to hug them*

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