♉Taurus Facts.♉

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Taurus: They like to text probably more than talking on the phone. Being creatures of comfort they don't like sharing.

A Taurus want to get there point across clearly and their way is just to keep repeating until the thought sinks in.

They will never forget what you said or how you made them feel: Cancer, Scorpio, Taurus, Virgo, Pisces.

When a Taurus isn't being patient they can be lazy.

As a Taurus when you promise, there's no doubt you will deliver.

As a Taurus you always finish what you start and may grow anxious when there's so much happening that you can't keep up with.

A Taurus is here to stabilize.

You can really rely on a Taurus to keep their composure. It usually takes a lot for them to change from their regular routine.

When a Taurus knows they're right it's not a damn thing you can do to change their mind.

Putting a Taurus outside their comfort zone is the quickest way to irritate them and be on their bad side.

When a Taurus is frustrated they just want to lay on the couch watching movies all day while eating ice cream. They have no motivation.

A Taurus thoughts: I have problems with sharing. Once something is mine, I think it should be mine forever.

How to get on a Taurus bad side: Demand things of them without even asking them first.

As a Taurus you can be very stubborn when forced to deal with people you don't like.

Taurus are patient enough to wait for what they want instead of just settling on the first thing.

A Taurus is like a bear when they attack.

A Taurus needs a lover that's supportive and protecting.

Taurus can be some of the coolest people to chill with.

Taurus are easy going but when provoked they will let it all out.

Taurus are the type of friend that will always stick by you when things are really bad. Even when you screw up they forgive you.

The best way to win with a Taurus is to trust that they know what's right, and to let them prove it.

Beware of trying to argue with a Taurus because it's pointless they still won't budge.

First thing that comes to a Taurus Mind: What's mine is mine.

A Taurus stamina is impressive so you better be in shape before challenging them.

You wont know what a Taurus is thinking unless they trust you. They have all the qualities a lover desire.

As a Taurus you are loyal and trustworthy,but that doesn't mean you would let your lover make a fool out of you.

Taurus never compare themselves to other people. They are confident about what they have and what they do.

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