13. Artista

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I lay against the shower floor as the steaming hot water pours down on me, but no match for the tears burning my eyes. My body shakes uncontrollably like a person in withdrawal. The horrifying memories of only a week ago are replaying in my head.

I don't know how long I've been in here when Kaia and Zayn smash the locked glass bathroom door, wrapping me in a towel and placing me on the bed. "Breathe Ana, please breathe," Zayn says hurriedly as he straps the nebulizer mask over my mouth. "In, out, in, out. keep going, you can do it." Zayn encouraged me as Kaia wraps my body in blankets.

"Mama?" Xile calls out as she enters the room. My eyes blaze open as I look at Zayn, tears still pooling out of my eye I shake my head, not wanting her to see me like this. Kaia rushed over to Xile and takes her out of the room before she can see much.

Sound baths echo in my ears as my breathing stabilizes. Kaia enters the room, the smell of chamomile filling my nostrils. Zayn help me sit up and she places the tray over my thighs. "Drink." I shake my head in refusal.

"Anaís, either you drink it willingly or I will willingly pour it down your throat." Kaia expresses, anger painting her tone as she glares at me.

"Kaia," Zayn warns.

"No, she's barely eaten since we've been here and the only thing, she does is train and come back in here."

"I know, just take it easy on her. Anaís, please drink the tea, it'll calm you." I groan quietly removing the nebulizer mask and turning the machine off. I roll my eyes at Kaia as I pick the mug up and take a few sips. When I'm done, I lean back and close my eyes. "How's the company doing?"

"It's doing well, we held a meeting letting everyone know you'd be taking some time off. we didn't give them a reason, but everyone misses you dearly." Kaia informs me.

"I need to get out of here, I feel stuck and all I can think about is blowing their heads off. Has Grey given any updates in regards to their whereabouts? I haven't exactly been letting him see me. When he knocks at my door, I deny him entrance, and the few times that I've been in the training room and he's either entering or there already, I leave."

"He has his best men on it. However, they've been unsuccessful. It's like they've completely dropped off the face of the earth. They've also assumed new aliases because, to the outside world, Camilo and Evelyn Hernandez have been dead for 9 years.

"We know all mighty Anaís would rather find and kill them herself, but this is for not only Xile's but your safety as well. Why do you keep avoiding him?" Zayn asks as he sits beside me, and I rest my head on his shoulder.

"Honestly, it's a lot to take in. I feel like I've been lied to from the moment we met each other on my birthday. Everything from then feels like we were in a fairyland and then reality hit letting me know I'd never be happy. I feel so deeply for him and I'm so worried that he's only with me because our bastard parents made it so. Then there's the thing with him being the leader of the fucking Italian mafia and I can't help but worry about Xile's and your safety. He's never scared me or intentionally did anything that suggests we were in harm's way, but it's still so scary. I also don't want to burden him with not being able to have children, because I do see a life with him and if that's what he wants, I cannot give that to him." I admit.

"We both completely understand how you feel, but Anaís, if you see the way that man looks at you even when you're in nothing but a huge t-shirt with stains all over it, your hair tangled, and your face stuffed with food, you'd never question his devotion to you. he looks at you as if you hold the galaxy in your eyes, treats you like the most fragile thing in the world and treats Xile as if she's his own. Yes, being a mafia leader has its risks, but he'd kill everyone in this world if it meant making sure you and Xile are safe. He was blowing off yours and our phones when you didn't answer after only an hour, and he was on the jet flying back here not 30 minutes later. I can't speak on how he feels about the children thing, but I know he'll never leave you, even if the world is against him." Zayn says.

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