44. Surprise

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I flinched as I woke from my slumber, droplets of something wet covering my body, and loud music forcing me awake.

I shot up in the bed and a yelp escaped my lips as I buried myself under the comforters. "Grey!" I yelled still not comprehending where the water was coming from or even what was happening.

Goosebumps slowly trailed up every inch of my skin, my panda shorts, and cropped black tank top, doing nothing to conceal me from the cold.

The sound of piercing wind broke through the music, and I screamed again as I rolled off the other side of the bed. Untangling myself from the comforter angrily, the music became lower as I glared at Grey. Xile, the twins, and Emilio standing in their PJs beside him, the grins on their faces falling instantly from the heat of my glare.

Emilio rushed to close the sliding door and I groaned as I saw the amount of snow that had blown in and was now decorating the floor and some pieces of furniture.

"What the hell has gotten into you!" I yelled as I stood, leaving the damp comforter on the floor.

The Christmas music suddenly raised in volume once again and I dropped my head in my hands as I saw Xile hand Grey the remote control for the surround sound. When I looked up again, I only barely saw the others sneaking out of the room.

"Grey, what is all this?" I asked throwing my hands in the air. "Look at the mess the room is in!"

"Come here," he said, a smirk on his face as if he hadn't a care in the world.

Whereas on the other hand, I was screaming inside. It was cold and wet, and the music was entirely too loud for my liking, especially at this time of the morning.

"Grey, no-" I started.

"Just come here baby," he pleaded, holding his hand out to me. I groaned folding my arms as I stepped over the comforter and closer to him. Stopping about 4 feet away from him, grimacing as I shook my head at whatever this was, he reached forward and pulled me toward him. "Don't be mad, I have a surprise for you,"

"How many surprises are you going to surprise me with?"

"Enough to last you countless lifetimes," he said before kissing me on the nose.

"Did your surprise have to include me almost getting swept away by a snowstorm?"

"Theatric effect, come on don't be dramatic,"

"Yeah, sure. I'm the dramatic one."

He turned slightly and grabbed something off my vanity chair. "Here, put this on,"

"You do it,"

"You know I'll never deny the chance to strip you, Yildiz," he sucked my bottom lip into his mouth and slowly released it with his teeth as he lifted my shirt. My hardened nipples caught his gaze, and he instantly wrapped his arm around my back and tipped me back, taking my nipple into his mouth.

"Grey, the surprise," I reminded him solely because the door was unlocked and I knew if he stayed there any longer, I'd jump him. And let's all be honest; I didn't need anyone walking in on us at that moment.

Placing my hands on his shoulder, I pushed him off and motioned for him to continue. He pulled my pants down and helped me into the matching Christmas pajamas he had set out for me. I brushed my teeth and washed my face before he took me by the hand and led us to the door.

He stopped and pressed something on his phone, changing the song to Christmas bells.

The sweet aroma of gingerbread and peppermint filled my senses as he opened the door and we stepped into the oddly bright hallway. Black and white decorations and overhead twinkling lights adorned the hallway. I smiled and clung to Grey's arm as we walked down the path to the living room. I smiled widely, stopping as I stepped down into the living room. There was a grand piano over to the left of the room beside the tv, more decorations throughout the room, a mini gingerbread and hot chocolate cart, and a huge tree about 16 feet tall. In following the theme, it was also black with black and gold ornaments on it.

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