31. Charity Ball

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On the night of the charity ball, I wore a green gown that ironically, I designed. The fabric was more on the heavy side, and the added jewels only added to it. It was a design I'd drawn on a night with Xile, Grey, and the twins as we watched My Little Pony. I'd originally planned on saving it for another collection, but I guess the twins and Grey had other plans.

When we pulled up to the lavish venue it was being held at, Grey leaned forward and grabbed a case from the compartment in the limo. "Take this, just to be safe." He said and I smiled.

I lifted my dress and revealed the harnesses strapped to my thighs, one filled with knives and the other with two guns. "And, I have another in my purse."

"That's my girl, but I think you'll like this one." He said opening the case, revealing a rose gold gun with a marble design on the grip.

I picked it up and smiled as I admired it. "You're so beautiful." He complimented me as he stared at me in awe.

I kissed him on the cheek, "I love you."

"I love you,"

I opened my purse and swapped out the other gun for the one he'd just gifted me. He got out and walked over to my side opening the door for me. He took my purse and held his hand out for me.

I took his hand and stepped out careful not to step on my dress.

Bright lights flashed as Mariano and Emilio joined our sides. Emilio stood beside me as Mariano stood beside Grey and nudged his shoulder saying something in Italian making them both laugh.

Emilio and I shook our heads at the two of them. It was great seeing them back to how they usually were.

Apparently, Mariano didn't take offense to the way Grey reacted and shouted at him. He said he knew better and if it was anyone else's wife, he wouldn't dare pull that stunt.

I reminded the two of them that we were all family and didn't need to fight over something so trivial.

"Let's try to get through tonight with no bloodshed," Mariano said, and we all nodded before laughing.

There was a very minute chance of that happening.

We walked forward down the red carpet and stopped for pictures. To the public, this was just another Charity ball for the rich to contribute to the community.

But little did they know, it was something else entirely.

The reporters shouted things in Italian and Grey answered, "Mi regina." Before we made our way up the stairs and into the venue.

Waiters handed us glasses of champagne as we entered, and we made our way around the huge ballroom.

Grey introduced me to a handful of people in a room filled with at least a hundred people. I could feel the hostile energy radiating off of Mariano and Emilio as we walked throughout the venue. Whereas Grey looked like he couldn't care less.

I turned around when I heard their footsteps stop behind me. Mariano and Emilio were giving the death stare to a group of men on the far left of us. They held each other's stares and Grey shove his hands in his pockets as his eyes drifted over to them for no longer than a second.

"Addesso," Grey said, and Mariano and Emilio broke their gaze and joined us.

"For someone that didn't want bloodshed tonight, you're sure working toward it," I mumbled, and Mariano chuckled. "Who are they?"

"No one important sweetheart," Grey said taking my hand. As he led us over to our table.

Unlike all the other tables with eight chairs, ours only had four. The card on the table said "Valentino" and I smiled knowing that would be my last name in a few days.

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