22. Regina?

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We enter one of the little cafés not far from my place. Two men in white button-down shirts sit at the table in the back with their backs to us. The café is empty but with what is going to play out, it needed to be.

Grey takes my hand in his and we walk toward them. My heels click against the marble floor, and they sit up in their chairs. Grey pulls my chair for me, and we both sit down. Mariano locks the café doors and stands in front of it giving me a thumbs up. I nod once before switching my attention to the men sitting in front of me.

"Valentino, who is this beautiful thing?" the man with a snaggle tooth says, who I'm guessing the right-hand man is because of the dagger tattoo on his neck.

"My wife, look at her for more than 2 seconds and I'll gauge both of your eyes out and feed it to you," Grey says resting his arm on the table as he runs his other up and down my thigh. "Now talk before I change my mind."

"As you know, we were devastated by your declination of our first proposition, but we are more than grateful that you've had a change of heart." The same man from before says as I stare at him. There's no doubt he can feel me staring at him. The little movement he does with his head after his eyes move to me repeatedly doesn't go unnoticed, no matter how hard he tries.

My hand is in my purse that sits on my lap, my hand around my gun, and my finger on the trigger just waiting.

"We'll need two full containers each week. High in demand you know." The leader of the gang says taking a sip of his drink.

"That's a lot don't you think wife?" Grey asks and I look out the window and nod in agreement. "Especially since they stole enough to last the whole city of New York at least 5 months." He says and I turn to look at him.

He has that evil smirk on his face that I love so much. I smile and we turn our heads to look at them. Their mouths are going a mile a minute, but I can't hear anything as I take out my gun and shoot them both in the throat. Mariano claps as Grey holds his hand out for me. I take it and we head back home.

We take a quick shower before we snuggle in bed. I grab my phone and look at the time, it's 7:55 am. I set an alarm for 10:30 and we head to sleep.

✦ • ✦ • ✦ • ✦ • ✦ • ✦ • ✦

"Get up Grey, we're going to miss our flight!" I yell as I slap his chest trying to wake him up. Our flight is at 12 and it's 30 minutes from then. He groans and rolls onto his side.

"Morning mom, where are you?" Xile says through the phone speaker as I grab Grey's face and shake him.

"We're on our way baby, I'll see you soon!" I yell as I punch Grey in his arm and jump off the bed. I run into the closet and search for something comfortable the both of us can wear.

"You woke up late, didn't you?" Xile asks.

"Xile!" I yell as I run out of the closet and throw our clothes on the bed. Grey sits up on the bed and watches me with a blank expression. "Can you hurry?" I say glaring at him as I grab my phone from the nightstand, but he doesn't budge.

"Hand me the phone." He says and I do. "Shortcake, can you give Emilio the phone please?"

"I already handled it; we leave at 1." Is the only thing Emilio says before the call ends.

"Now, can you calm down? It's my airport, I leave whenever I feel like it."

"Your airport, what could you possibly need your own airport for?" he tilts his head and raises his eyebrow with a smirk. I nod my head remembering exactly why.  "Still, let's get ready now. I want to stop for something on the way there."

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