29. Spa Date

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After having a shower and a little alone time, Grey and I made our way downstairs. The devil twins passed us on the stairs, and I ignored them as Grey tsked.

Grey had given the maids the day off, so the house was awfully quiet. As I placed my hand on the fridge handle, Grey's fingers dug into my hips as he lifted me and placed me on the island.

"I'm making breakfast today sweetheart," he said as he turned on his heels and waved his hand over the sensor on the overhead cabinets. The glass slid open, and he took out the needed pots and pans.

"What's on the menu chef?"

"As much as I know you'd prefer me, you'll have to settle for the traditional Italian breakfast."

"Haha," I said sarcastically. "You're not funny," I deadpanned.

He looked at me over his shoulder and I looked away. "Have you spoken to your dad?"

"No, and I won't be wasting my breath on that sad excuse of a man."


Grey filled me in on why I walked into him beating his dad to a pulp. It didn't come as much of a shocker to me. My father was what he was, the scum of the earth and I didn't expect any better. As for Grey's dad, I didn't care for the piece of shit. The only reason I pretended to be bothered was for Chiara's sake.

She was the sweetest lady. I was flabbergasted with the knowledge that she'd put up with him for all these years.

Personally, I would've poured arsenic into all of his favorite liquor and been done with him ages ago.

She'd forgotten the times he beat her because she was defending her son and some part of me wished I could forget everything as well. He never hit her again or even raised his voice at her, but he'd forever be the piece of shit that organized his son's rape and beat his wife.

"I want to take Xile, the twins, Valerie, and Carmen to the spa today. I think it's the perfect time to do that thing we spoke about earlier and it's only thirty minutes away."

"Definitely, I'll book it and take you before my meeting later."

"I want to drive."

"You are not driving Anaís."

"And why is that? Last time I checked, this was not the 1960s when we didn't have access to GPS'. Ooh and would you look at that, it's built into the car now!" I said.

"Okay boss lady, but there will be a guard not far behind at all times. Do you understand?"

"I didn't expect any less."

I hopped off the island and stood beside him. I crossed my arms behind my back and tangled my fingers together. Tilting my head upwards, I looked at him and batted my eyelashes. "Whatcha doin'?"

He looked down at me through the side of his eye. "Cooking, same thing I've been doing this whole time."

I tugged on his shirt when he refocused his attention on the sizzling pot in front of him. "Yes, angel?"

"I want to help."

"Not this time,"

I stomped my feet and pouted, "Why not?" I whined.

He took a deep breath before he turned around and picked me up. He sat me on the island again and turned back around to the stove. "I-" I started but was cut off when he shoved a fork with a piece of food into my mouth.

"Mm, delicious," I said with a smile, and he stuffed another piece in my mouth. He kissed my lips softly and pushed my hair out of my face.

"We need to start planning the wedding. If it was anything else, I'd get someone to do it but not this." He said and I nodded as I swallowed the remaining food. "I know we discussed this before, but first things first, big or small wedding?"

In the end, its Him & IOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant