*1: The New Assistant

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Welcome Y/n!
What a pleasure it is to finally have you here!
We've been waiting for you.
The twins... Have been.. Oh-so Excited for your arrival.

Ah, I should introduce myself real quick! I'm the narrator. I'm here to assist you on your journey. Now, We can begin.


You were screaming into your pillow, kicking at the bed. You just went to an interview for a position, which went terribly. And you were almost POSITIVE, you were going to be denied.
You lived alone. In a.. Average? Sized house. You were a normal, everyday person. Just trying to get an interesting job.

You don't talk to your parents often. There wasn't a big problem, Just- Got- Out of touch. Stopped talking.
All of your.. friends... left. To pursue long, wealthy lives. Spending hours and hours dedicated to collage. Luckies.

It didn't seem like them.. but.. what could you do? They were passionate. And that's okay.
You're lonely, to say simply.

You sit up, grazing your fingers across your skin, a small scowl on your face as you slumped out of bed, you really needed a shower. The cold-to-hot water ran across your back, you waited a moment to start rinsing, as you watched the water run down your skin, and letting the fresh burn soothe you out of stress.
What if I made the wrong choice? Even if I DO get the job.. I might regret it.. I heard about Fazbear Co. Before.. It doesn't have that good of a past.
And frankly, The animatronics.. Are kinda- Strange.

Oh well. Even if this job is the death of me, I can stand saying I'm not a pussy. Hah, 'stand' I'll be too dead for that. I'm lucky anyone gave me an interview. I'll be fine, fine.
You changed into the comfiest clothes you got. Laying down in bed, and tried drifting off to sleep. But, It failed. All night you were tossing and turning, Unable to sleep. Nervous for the upcoming email.

You ended up sleeping at 3am in the morning. And you woke up at 7. It wasn't the best sleep, but sure was something.

The first thing you did, was check your email, surprised? You shouldn't be. You wasted goddamn hours worrying about it, of course it was your go-to, 'shocker' 'shocker';

There was an email.

Blah, Blah, Blah, Terms of service.. Sure. You ended up skimming the whole text, trying to find the special words.


Okay, Tomorrow.. 5:50am... Meet n' greet or something-... home at 4 pm..

That's not that bad! I can live with that!
Around 10 hours.. Fun. Not like I have anything else to do.
Let's see.. what else..

Monday-Thursday 6:00am-4:00pm
Friday 5:30am-6pm

Okay. Wow. Friday is even more hours... Wait- does it say which animatronic I'm working with?

. . . A daycare? You hated kids. At least, you barely talk to them. Last you checked they didn't like you.

You took a deep breath, excited for the new opportunity, not excited for what's to come.
But, It's fine.
It's all fine.

Standing infront of the pizza plex, was the most exciting, nerve wreaking thing you had to do.

For goodness sake- You didn't even know exactly what you needed to-do!
All you understood, was, Find and enter the daycare, go to desk, and do what the robot says?
Is that it?
Pretty sure I also need to check the kids in and out...
You signed up for an assistant job, and they took you in. Maybe you'll have a phone guy to walk you through personally.
. . .not funny? Okay.

After a moment of looking like an idiot out side, you stepped into the plex. You had absolutely no idea where the daycare is.
You found your name tag on the front desk, but nobody seemed to be working there just yet. So, Asking for directions is a no-go, not that you'd have the guts to anyways.


Yeah, you ended up wandering the damn place for the daycare, now one of the last places to check, was behind a day and night themed garage door? Maybe you should've checked there first.

You ducked underneath, and saw a "Superstar Daycare!" sign.
Ah of course. Maybe sucking up your pride and just finding an employee first would've been a better idea after all.

Following the arrow, you were eventually lead to a room, as soon as you entered, there was some- Hype background music playing.

There was a sign saying 'Slide Into Fun!' With, a slide. Underneath.
Surrounded by net.
NoNoNoNo- I'm NOT going down that.
There has to be another way down..

But, you were also pretty sure you already checked almost all of the plex. You let out an audible sigh, staring down the slide. Then begrudgingly push yourself through.

After what seemed to be maybe half? The slide, you pressed your shoes to the slide, creating out a harsh SQQWWWEEAAKK!
If the robot didn't know you were here before, am I right?
You came to a full stop, right at the end of the slide, there was a ball-pit, a gross, child infected, ball pit.
You didn't actively hate on children or anything! But it was so obviously unsanitary, especially knowing some robot could be watching you, it ruins the fun.
If you had a bunch of close friends would be a different story.

You stood up on the very edge of the slide, and staring down the wall by the pit. You weren't going to go in there.
Who knows how many children peed inside? Or worse.
You took a jump for it, your foot getting caught on the wall, and you toppled over onto the hard floor with an, "OOF!"
You heard a jingle from beside you, the cutest most innocent fucking bell. Brought nostalgia to you. Who-? There followed by a voice, which you could only assume was the robot.
"Oh dear.. You took quite the tumble new Friend!"
You got picked up, and, yeah. You were correct. He didn't look as creepy as you thought he would, but you can say that for the rest of the animatronics as well.

He placed you back on the floor, and now you were standing. He had a giant smile on, and he stared down to your name tag, jumping a little. Like an in-place skip?
"Ohh! Y/n! My new assistant! What a PLEASANT name!" He spun in a small circle, Bringing his hands to his face.

"Mm, Thanks...! Could you tell me what I need to do exactly? Not that I want to skip the formalities or anything. ." Wow you sucked at talking to people. Or... robots in this case.
"Yes yes! Simple! Record the kids who arrive, and the kids who skip out! Ah- And anything else I request from you really! Also, keeping track of schedule and every activity the kids do! Yay!" Yay for him, or for you? You realized like wayyy later he was only trying to hype you up, from your tired attitude.

That isn't hard..? Unless he's going to be a bitch about it, and he makes me do literally everything.
"Alright.. yeah, I can do that." You have a small smile, looking off to the side, since it felt awkward to make eye-contact with him. You were used to talking to popular people.
"I won't overwork you! Don't worry about a thing New Friend!" He stumbled out, as if he thought you were stressing, but you didn't pay much mind.
Hm, I wonder which people take care of the glamrocks..? They probably have less work. All the glamrocks really do is perform, human workers aren't on stage with them. Then again, I don't really know what my work'll be like either.

This job has good pay. Hopefully, I won't need to worry about kids or animatronics scaring me off.
Just like you said! You'll.. be, fine.

•𝙰 𝙱𝚒𝚝 𝙾𝚏 𝙰𝚜𝚜𝚒𝚝𝚊𝚗𝚌𝚎!• SB!Yandere-𝕄𝕠𝕠𝕟/𝑆𝑢𝑛 x Reader❤︎︎Where stories live. Discover now