34: Sleeping-Over (1/3)

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(Guys, I've been reading too much obsessed stalker shit lately.
It may end up affecting me. But I'll try and only come after the other... fanfic... in the works...)

Sun put up his pointer finger. "Quickly though! Is that why you asked me about him?"
Your eyes widened. "What? You.. uh... Ya talking about Xavier?" You asked, squinting your eyes a bit.
"Mhm! I know you love keeping personal details... but, I'm just really curious! If.. its... serious, I suppose." By the end of his sentence, his energy and volume died down a lot, but it was all still there.

Your jaw dropped, and you laced your fingers together. "No, no! I don't... uh.. like him like that."
Sunny nodded slowly, switching the topic. "Crafts? Movie? Food?" He asked, swaying a bit, impatiently. "Whatcha in the mood for?"

"I..." You started trying to make a decision, taking in a deep breath, apologizing to Sun, and sitting down on the playmats. "Aaahhhhh... sorry Sunny, something just...came to mind, I guess."
He beamed, holding his hands up to his face. "Oh, really? Great! What is it, Y/n?" Sun asked, you shook your head in response. "It's actually closer to a question."

The animatronic paused, processing for a second, before plopping down criss-cross on the playmats infront of you. He had his hands in his lap, fiddling with his ribbons, as he couldn't sit completely still.
It was... somewhat of a nudge to ask? So you did.
"Well.. I just wanted to know, do you like any of the employees here? The only time you've ever brought up an employee normally, was Xavier, though you didn't seem to... uh... be enthusiastic?"
Sun's rays retracted a bit, and be shunk back, looking shy, letting himself take a few moments before responding.

"Xavier normally... uh, drops off inventory, while being- high? So... that's..." Sun shut himself up, trying to rethink his phrasing, "I don't know anything about him that way!"
You furrowed your brows. "Seriously? That does suck. But I wasn't only asking about him."
Giving you a sheep-ish smile, he muttered, staring at the ground. "The other employees, too? I dunno, I don't really talk to them," He carried out the last word for a bit longer, leaning a bit as if he was trying to find a topic changer.

You weren't a d.. you weren't a total dick! Since he didn't want to continue the conversation, you decided to not force it. "Oohh? Okay, gotcha. To be fair, most of the employees here aren't exactly 'friend material' in my book either." You hummed, trying to give him a bit of a smile.
Sunny let out a 'hmph!' Crossing his arms, and you'd like to say he was basically pouting. "Heeeeyyyy! That's not true! Every week there's a new person at the door, that you become friends with!"

....'It was like two people? I'm not even close to them. I also haven't seen Aria around lately.'

An amused smile cracked on your face. "Well they're pretty nice for the employees. And it's the same two people, I'm not that popular!"
Sun leaned forward, his mannerisms changing to more... intrigued? "Do you think Xavier's nice? Moon never thought so."
Taking a few moments to think it over, you pursed your lips, letting your smile fall. "Uhm... yeah. I think he is. Guy is a... a lot? But still."

"That's nice. I must've-" Sun cut himself off, standing up and looking around the daycare. "-Oh, look at that! I should clean this place up! I'd do it tomorrow.. but the food cannot stay out!"
You were about to ask for the rest of his earlier sentence, but decided it was no use. "Need any help?" You asked, standing up.

Sun started to walk, but paused and looked over at you. "What? Oh! No no no! It's fine! Wiping off tables is super easy!"
"Sure, but the stray paper plates-" You mumbled, looking over at the slight mess.
"I got it! Besides, you were glancing over at your notifications earlier, I want you to have a bit of 'free phone time'!" Sun interrupted you, using a lot more hand-talking than usual.

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