17: In The Dark

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(.....Why do I wanna make them obsessive in this story-)

(Also- In this story, The twins are 8'3, The main glamrocks, are 9ft. BECAUSE WHY THE HELL NOT?!?! 😩🍴)

You felt Moons eyes burning into your back. You felt anger radiating off of him, like he was extremely offended that you just turned your back on him like that. It's true however, that it's classified as a sign of disrespect to some.. No, Many people.

The stories you heard were, well, interesting, to say the least.
There were stories about, Maggots, Clothes, Sibling rivalry, Parents forgetting about them during Hide and Seek, Getting stuck in mailboxes, and lethal injuries on bikes or scooters.

All the while, Thunder remained Booming in the background.
But you played music of the kids choice on your phone, for them to focus on instead.

Moon was... somewhat ignoring most kids. Made you wonder why he wanted naptime back.

The stories seemed to start getting... A bit too chaotic, So you went into the arts and crafts cabinet, and found glow in the dark glue, and lots of paper.
There were some glow in the dark stickers aswell!

You set up some artificial, (Fake Flame) Lanterns in the arts and crafts section. Getting all the kids on their crafts high, and taking a step back, watching as they all went to town, working away on various projects.

"Boo~" You felt two hands on your shoulders.
"Moon. What's up with you? You wanted naptime back, yet you act like you hate these kids."
"Ah, I don't think you could exactly be the one to talk Y/n~ You didn't want anything to do with us or the kids."
He wasn't upset while saying this, he rather sounded... Prideful.

This angered you a tad. "And now I have a reason."
The daycare doors opened. Quite loudly, causing the two of you, to turn towards the door.

They looked like a mechanic in a way, with a clipboard in hand...OH! They were probably here to check on the lights!

You heard a quiet, low, chuckle, come from Moon, And one word came to your mind.

"Why welcome! I'm afraid you aren't registered in the system Friend..."
"It doesn't matter if I am or not. I was called here to fix the lights."
"Snarky~" He hummed in a sing-songy voice. For only you to hear. "-You're not allowed in here.."

The lights guy ignored this. "Hey. Kid. You look like you work here. Just give me 15 minutes Mkay? Then I'll be out of your hair."
'Kid? I dont look that young.'

You felt a lump form in your throat. Moon glared at you, like he was expecting you to say something. You chewed your lip slightly. "If, Your asking me for permission to check out the daycare, I'm incredibly sorry, but I don't make the 'calls' around here." Is what you ended up saying.

He muttered something under his breath, before saying something louder, "This is mad." Honestly, You were getting just a tad bit annoyed.
"-You're really tellin' me, you don't have a remote control for this guy or anything?" The Man continued.

"A... Remote, Control..?" Moon snarled. You raised a brow, and morphed your expression into a, Did he really just say that?

You exhale deeply, "You are extremely lucky that there are kids here."
'Fuck- Did I say that outloud? I didn't mean to say that outloud.'
The man scoffs. "Listen pal, I just need my money. 10 minutes how about that? I don't wanna fight cha."

"Oh trust me, I'm not looking for a fight either. I'm not the threat. He is." You pause. "Take as long as you need."
The Man hesitated, then nodding, and rushing to where he needs to be.

You could tell Moon was about to argue with you, so you spoke up. "I better not see any blood. I'll watch the kids for ya. Have a blast."

Moon started to grin, Before standing up and giving you a small bow. "No promises~" Even though he was probably still going to do harm right after this, he held a playful tone in his voice.

The end of the day soon came, Most kids got picked up and you escorted rest to the front of the pizza plex in a 'single filed line'. Where the rest of the kids were taken away, Because of the power outage, it was hard for some parents to navigate, so you just met up with them at the front.

The power outage also ended your shift... Well an hour ago, but you decided to stay until all the kids left. Now that they left, You were heading back to the daycare, Flashlight in hand, to pick up your things.

You quietly pushed open the daycare doors, walking to your desk.
"Hey Moon? What did happen with that one guy?"
You grabbed your stuff, and when looking up, Moon was across the desk from you. "Don't worry about it."
"That worries me more."

You made your way back towards the the door, Moon followed a bit. "You're leaving already?" Don't worry readers, He wasn't upset at this. Instead, his voice was only laced with confusion.

You stopped walking and turned towards him.
"Correct. My shift ended A-While ago."
He bent down to your level. "And you aren't willing to spend an extra 30 minutes with me?" If this was texting app, there probably would be sparkly emojis around the word, 'Me'.

"I'm not risking getting locked in here AGAIN-" You pause. "-You are so odd today."
"Like- Your whole adittude."
"My.. Adittude?"
"Yeah. You arent- You know what? Never mind. I- will be on my way now-"

You purse your lips and turn back towards the door. "Fine. Leave if you must, But at least let me do the honors of escorting you."
You whip your head back around. "You did do something to that man didn't you?"
"You said I could."
"I said dont hurt him."
"No, You said you didn't want to see any blood."
"Damn it."

He stood to his full height once more. "Okay you can leave now."
"Ouch. Seriously? Trying to get rid of me? Some weird mood change you have."
"Mmm.. No. I just finished stalling you."

You opened your mouth slightly. "Uh what- That concerns me."
"It's for your own sanity. Compliments of Sun."
You grab his arm, and start walking out the daycare. "In that case, yes you may escort me."
"Seriously? Making me walk all the way to the front of the plex?"

"Uh yeah? You made me nervous, so I will use you as a shield if need be."
You shift your hold on his arm, and instead take hold of his hand.
He tensed up, before quickly relaxing again. "How bold Starlight~" He purred.

"It's easier this way. And what's with the nickname?"
He simply hums, walking next to you. His height being Intimidating. But at the same time...
You pinch the bridge of your nose, mentally cursing yourself.

"I hate the fact that I feel safe with you."

(Well- We're stating to get somewhere-)

•𝙰 𝙱𝚒𝚝 𝙾𝚏 𝙰𝚜𝚜𝚒𝚝𝚊𝚗𝚌𝚎!• SB!Yandere-𝕄𝕠𝕠𝕟/𝑆𝑢𝑛 x Reader❤︎︎Where stories live. Discover now