28: Not-So-New Guy

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(Moon = ... some weird robot version of spider-man?? I guess??)

Sun was behind all the kids, so he didn't see you slipping the blanket under your desk.
None of the kids really paid enough attention to care..
The day has already been giving you enough nerves, you didn't need the extra child-embarrassment.

When Sun saw you, he gave a small wave, and continued to follow the kids.
Your gaze stayed watching him for a little while longer. It wasn't that you were actually watching him, you just zoned out, and Sun was who your eyes locked on, while you were thinking.


Thankfully, you snapped out of it 5 minutes later. It didn't seem like he noticed, but let's be honest; there isn't a way to tell.

Not too long later, a someone knocked on the daycare doors. Sun gave you a quick glance, and you resist the urge to roll your eyes, or give any additude, you aren't specifically mad at anything, you just weren't having any bull today.
You lazily stood up, and walked over the doors, opening one for the. . . Employee.

A slightly-taller guy, was standing there. He was around 3 inches taller; if you had to guess, and was carrying a box.

Your gaze lifted a bit, examining his facial features. He had a small stubble, and dark eyes, with a strange blue hint to them.
26? Maybe?
He was wearing a button up, with a name-tag on it. Clearly showing he worked here. According to said name tag. . . His name should be, 'Xavier'.
. . . Sure.
"Uhhhh, hello? Sorry, did you need anything?" You ask, slightly taken a back to see a complete stranger.

"Ahaha! Sorry about this. . . Y/n? Right?" You nodded. "-Alright, well, I normally drop off inventory not long before the Plex closes, but I've been covering for a bunch of others yesterday-" You interrupt him.
"Mhm. . . Why on earth would you take responsibility that you couldn't handle? Especially if it makes you unable to do your job?"

He blinked. "Uh..." Your eyes slightly widen, "Oh my God, I am so sorry, I didn't think I said that outloud."
"Haha! No no, it's fine. I just have a longer break than most, so I'm often asked for favors."
"Ah, you don't know how to say no?"
He smiled, "Yeah." You both held the silence for about three more seconds, before he continued speaking.

"Anywho- I'd love to continue talking to you, but I gotta get back to work soon."
You nodded, taking the box from him. "Oh! Wait! Hold on!"

"Yeah...?" You respond, tilting your head slightly.
"When does your shift end?"
"I mean- sometime around six."
"Oh great! We could meet up at faz-pad after, I'd like to treat you!"
Your expression dropped. "Oh. Oh. Mhm. . . Sure."

The beats of silence, filled in with bouncy music, very quickly got awkward.
You looked up at him for a second, before closing the door with your leg, as your hands were full, and he clearly was more interested in staring at you.

You ended up placing the box near the desk, and just sat back down. About to open up your laptop again, you paused, and rethought your steps, going back to the box.
There was a phone number lightly written on the side of the box. Your face morphed into a mix of disgust, and, 'you cannot be serious'.

'Yeah, no. I'm absolutely NOT going to Faz-pad later. It's insanely expensive anyways.'

The 'daycare day' ended, and Sun trotted up to the desk. "Well, he was awfully early!"
You glared at Sun, and it wasn't too much of a friendly glare, though it wasn't a irritated one either.
"Do you talk to him a lot?"
"Uhm. . . Not often? A couple times, maybe. Why?"

You leaned back, crossing your arms. "I don't know what to make of him. I was hoping that you'd know what type of guy he is."
"Nope! I never try to understand behavior too much, Moon does it for me!"
"Does he know?"

Sun blinked, and for a moment, stared off. Before saying, "He said that he'll tell you if you turn off the-" "Oh no, absolutely not. That's suspicious as hell."
"Your loss."

You scrunched up your eyebrows, and looked over to glare at the animatronic. Who stood confused at this gesture, before explaining. . . A bit. "His words, not mine!"
You sighed. "Should've expected that."

Logging out of the computer, there was. . . Well, conversation stopped for a bit.
"Yaknow! If you're worried about talking to him again, don't be! He never really is this early. . ."  Sun blurted. You gave him a half-smile. "I'm not worried-", you let your 'smile' drop, as you turn to return everything to your backpack. "-he just invited to treat me to. . . Food I guess. Would it count for dinner? Nevermind. I just want to know what more to expect."

Once you turned around, you noticed Sun watching you with a blank stare. "You-" He shook his head a bit. "Aahh, Moon really wants to be let out now. Sorry, it's just starting to give me. . . A headache. I think. Close enough, anyways."
"Tell Moon to screw off, he'll survive."

You watched the ground for a bit, occasionally glancing back at the box. Sun was. . . Seemingly having some kind of discussion in his head.
Eventually, you let out a defeated
sigh. "Well, whatever. I guess I shouldn't worry about it, after all, I can just figure it out myself."

You prepared to leave the daycare, but before you did, you straightened up your shirt, and said, "No following me this time. And no blackmail, I won't listen to anything Moon says about you, Sun."
The animatronic laughed sheepishly. "See you tomorrow Y/n! Tell me how it goes!"

And you left.
You peaked into Faz-pad, and saw the guy already seated.
He had a coffee, and was on his phone. Unaware you were there.

(I'm setting... something up. 😈😈)

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