8: Hugs!

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"Ay- Sun, You okay?" You ask, Furrowing your brows a bit.

He looked over at you. Seeming to get knocked out of... whatever trance he was in. "Yup! I'm all fine!"

"Alright.. Well- Could you tell me where the showers are? If- There are any..?"
"Oh! Right outside the daycare, There's a room, With a few showers at the back!"
You raised an eyebrow. "Why are there showers right outside the daycare?"
"Just in case the kids get all messy!"

You purse your lips. "Hm.. Okay, I'll be back in a few then...?"
You walk out of the daycare, With a bit of speed behind your step.

Once reaching the showers, You took a second to sit down, And bask in the quietness this room was giving you.

It was like... A breather. A nice way, To relax for a second.
When you took the shower, You tried to be quick with it. You were never the type to enjoy stripping down, And cleaning yourself, In a place creepy like this.

Well.. It wasn't that creepy. This place was for kids to clean themselves up, So in a way, It was kind of welcoming.

Would've been more welcoming if it wasn't almost pitch black. And if it wasn't pin-drop silent. And.. Y'know.. If you weren't a grown ass adult?!

Makes the whole thing a lot more awkward. But, It's fine. You got out of the shower, Putting on clothes that you had previously. Because, You didn't bring another set? And besides, These are still clean.

You dry your hair, The best you can, And slip back on your socks, Then shoes.

Stretching out a bit, You walk back into the daycare. With a little yawn. Which was, Sadly noticed by Sun.
"Gosh Y/n! Are you tired? You can sleep if you'd like!"

Your eyelids started to get heavy. And your energy to keep them open, Lessened. But you shook your hands and bit, To keep yourself awake.
"Nope! I'm fine! Thanks for asking!"

He stares at you for a second, Before nodding slightly. "Alright..! If ya say so!"

"Hey.. Sun?"
"Hm?" He tilted his head a little.
"When was the last time you cleaned out the ball-pit?"
He paused for a second. Thinking.

"Hm... Maybe... 3 days? It's a lot to clean, But we still need to have a safe environment for kids!"
"How often is it cleaned?"
"Again.. It's a lot to clean, Sooo... Maybeeee.. Once a week?"
"Ah-a... Makes sense I guess..."
"We do understand that kids can be.. rather unsanitary! And it's not like you'll ever know if a kid peed in there, Unless you went in yourself! Or if you saw the kids leave.. Dripping wet!"
You stare at him for a second. Pausing a bit.

"Uhm... Are you speaking from experience?"
"Oh No! Definitely not! Not personal experience!"
You raised an eyebrow.
"So it has happened before?"
"Yup! Quite a few! Around half the time they would just tell me! The other... 25% of the time.. You could tell by the way they walk out..?"
"What happened to the other 25%?"
"Someone else would feel it! And report it to me!"
"Eugh... Gross..."

'This is a weird conversation to be having.'

You put on a small smile. "I quite like your design.."
"You know... the whole.. Jester thing."
"Oh. Right..."
"I like it. It's unique. And kinda cute."
"Really?! You think so?" He started to smile wide.

"Yeah. I really do."
"I appreciate Y/n! Not that I have much.. or ANY control of my design.. But many people think it's weird." He laughed a little awkwardly, Fiddling with his wrist ribbons.

"I mean.. It makes you look friendly! And that's what you should come off as for the kiddos!"
"It's pretty interesting... The pizza plex was made for families! And they added a daycare, For parents to go out! Or.. To go to the bar... But we have a lot of regulars coming here!"
"Regulars? This place is pretty expensive... These parents must have a good amount of income..."

'I can't imagine coming to a place like this regularly... especially not as a child.'

You pause. "Wait.. the bar?"
"Yup..! Some kids get dropped off here, As their parents get wasted. Sometimes worries me whenever the kid gets picked up..."
"Well... of course. No adult should be by a child while drunk. No matter what relationship they have."

Sun stared at you. Except, He didn't say anything. Not for a good.. 6 seconds. Made you feel... Awkward.

He spoke up. "Y/n? Can I give you a hug?"
"What? Why do you ask?"
"Well..... I don't know if you'd be okay with it..."
"I mean- Yeah. You don't have to ask for hugs.. I like them."

He jumped up a little. "REALLY? OH hooray!!" He scooped you up into a tight hug. Spinning around a little bit.



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