27: Early Stages

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It took you a hot second to comprehend, but when you did, you gasped over dramatically, and stood up. "DID YOU FOLLOW ME?"
"I wish. But I couldn't. Sun did."

You heard the door open, and the lights flick on. A female voice called out, but you ignored it, and crossed your arms, staring at Sun. He immediately started to defend his case.

"It WASNT me Y/n! Okay. . . Technically it was, but It's not my fault!"
"Mhm." You hummed. It sounded annoyed.
"I promise! Moon convinced me! I didn't want to!"
Your expression softened a bit. "Convinced you? How?"
"What's the word. . .uhm. . .Blackmail I guess." He said quietly.

You stayed silent, comprehending that for a second. "Wait what? Blackmail? What the hell does he have against you?"
Sun made the oh-so famous action of 'zipping his mouth, locking it up, and dropping the key.' Except he added his own flair to it, by pretending to chuck it across the daycare instead. Crossing his arms after, and glaring at you.

The person that entered the daycare, cleared their throat. Causing the both you to look over.
Once Aria noticed she got your attention, she said, "Uhm. . .The boss just wanted me to check that you remembered the- thing-?"
"As in, the shift, or task?"

Sun suddenly seemed to forget about the lock and key, and started to talk. "Wait, what task?"
You let out an exaggerated sigh. "Did you just forget our entire conversation?"

Aria blinked, seeming a bit shocked, for a reason you couldn't think of.
"Wait, Y/n, did you tell them?"
"I didn't need to." You deadpanned, giving Sun a quick glare. "-Did you tell the glamrocks?"
"Well Roxy- somewhat asked-"
"Get out."

The second the door closed, Sun turned to you. "I'm really sorry! I promise I won't do it again!"
"I forgive you. I mean, it wasn't really your fault. I'll just need to have a talk with Moon. . .Again."
"He's not gonna like that. . ."
"Oh boo hoo." You paused, and started to grin. "-what happened to the key? I'm starting to miss that silence."

Now it was Sun's turn to gasp over-dramatically. "Y/n!"
You leaned back on your chair. "You know I'm joking. Oh. By the way, the kids are about to come down the slide."
. . .
"UH OH!"

Anyways, for some reason you felt. . . nervous. It wasn't because you wanted to talk to Moon about you-know-what, but you were nervous of staying the night.
You weren't scared. That's completely different.
However, you couldn't tell if it's the 'staying at a Fazbears establishment overnight' or 'staying with Sun and Moon, mostly alone at night'.

At this point, you did trust. . . Somewhat, mostly, trust they don't have any ill intentions.
'God, it's hard to explain. They aren't scary to think about, nor nerve-wrecking. But I guess. . Nevermind. I don't know shit of what I'm thinking.'

The day didn't go by quickly, and the amount of times you almost took a nap, made the upcoming night seem tedious.

Naptime rolled around,  and you were actually waiting for it. If Moon let's you take a quick break, it'd probably help you stay awake for the rest of your shift.
Would've been nice to have your day shift off on these days, but whatever.

You listened to Moon putting the kids to sleep. As they were in the naptime nook, you didn't want to waste any kind of energy watching.
Speaking of energy, battling the sweet, sweet embrace of sleep was extremely difficult.
As weird as it is to say, a certain someone's voice, didn't help.

Even though you slept during naptime before, you felt like it'd be best to ask. Seemed a bit rude, after all. 

After a few minutes, you pulled out your phone.
It's bright light, stung your eyes slightly. You scrunched up your face a bit.
Checking the time, and any new notifications.
a random neighbors message,
Newsletter emails from a bunch of subscriptions,
And Wattpad of course.
You turned off the screen, and sucked in a deep breath, closing your eyes, they felt heavy from tiredness, and dry from your phone screen.

A voice came from. . . Somewhere in front of you. Take a guess at who it was.
"Tired? Hm, what a shame. You might need a few energy drinks to keep you awake later, Y/n?"
"Hell no. The closest thing they have to that here, are 'Sodaroni's' and I'm not falling for that shitty marketing scheme."
You opened your eyes, but because of the light exposure earlier, you weren't quite adjusting to seeing things in the dark.
You could easily see the glow from Moon eyes though. As well as his silhouette.

"I would recommend you resting a bit, but last I checked, you don't trust me enough." He mocked. Leaning on the desk slightly.
You rested your head on your palm. Which was propped by your left elbow. Your right arm, resting flat on the desk, in front of your left arm.
"Hmmm. . . I could make an exception." You hummed. Looking down at your phone again.
Moon seemed slightly amused by this. "Oh really? I'll take it."

You glanced back up. And guess what? There was no red light showing off Moon location.
You turned on your phones flashlight, for a quick second, which proved your point that he left.
Placing down your phone, you sighed. Deciding it'd probably be best to stay off that thing until the lights turn back on.
'Well, technically fade back on, but who's paying attention?'

After a few more seconds into your thoughts, you felt a cloth drape over your shoulders.
"We keep track of everything here, this blanket hasn't been used since last laundry day."
"Oh. Thanks." You paused, and turned slightly to look at Moon. "-how did you do that so quickly?"
His smile stretched. "I have my ways." He said with the sound of sarcasm in his voice.

"Know what? That works."
He handed you a pillow. "I'm going back to the kids. See you tonight~?"
"You wish." You joked, rolling your eyes slightly.

Once he left your sight, you clutched onto your pillow a bit. Flipping your expression the second you realized you were smiling.
Inhaling sharply, you collected yourself a bit, laying your head down on the desk, after placing down the pillow of course.

Your breath trembled slightly, so you buried your face in the pillow, and focused on falling asleep.


When you woke up, you noticed the lights were on.

Nobody was in the daycare.

But a post-it was stuck on your arm, which read,
"We're all in the theater! :)"
You immediately assumed Sun wrote it.
However, since the note didn't have any times on it, you couldn't tell when they would return.

Which was funny, because as soon as you started wondering about that, the doors opened, and kids ran inside.
You quickly took off the blanket, and wrapped it over your pillow, rubbing your eyes, to not have the, 'freshly awake' face many people have.

Sun was behind all the kids, so he didn't see you slipping the blanket under your desk.
None of the kids really paid enough attention to care..
The day has already been giving you enough nerves, you didn't need the extra child-embarrassment.


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