29: Tiredly Energetic

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(There's so many scenes I'm excited to write, BUT I NEED TO WAIT. 😭😭)

You prepared to leave the daycare, but before you did, you straightened up your shirt, and said, "No following me this time. And no blackmail, I won't listen to anything Moon says about you, Sun."
The animatronic laughed sheepishly. "See you tomorrow Y/n! Tell me how it goes!"

And you left.
You peaked into Faz-pad, and saw the guy already seated.
He had a coffee, and was on his phone. Unaware you were there.

    "Heyy. . . Guy? I'll just call you 'Guy', I'm not saying that name more than I need to."
He seemed a bit startled by you coming up to him suddenly, but seemed to relax, giving you a laugh. "It's fine, I don't really like the name either." He paused, taking a sip of his drink, staring at the floor with a sad look in his eyes. "-I never really knew my mom. . . She's the one that named me, though I never met her."

    You suppressed the urge to contort your face into a look of disgust, 'This is a terrible start. He better not be like this the whole time.'
Placing your things next to your chair, you mumbled, "Okay, dude." In a derogatory sense.
He cleared his throat, and untied a plastic bag under the table, which had a tray with two iced drinks.

    "I don't really know what you like," He started carefully, "So I asked for a couple recommendations."
"I should've gotten here earlier then." You sarcastically stated.
"I said it was my treat, didn't I?"

    The more you talked, the more personal he got with questions. Of course he didn't ask anything too bad, but still really questionable. He asked about your favorite car, your height, family, friends, he even tried hinting you for your weight. Which you obviously avoided.

    It took around an hour before you left, and in all honesty. . . In wasn't terrible. He was a little too comfortable, but other than that, it felt refreshing to socialize like that. As strange as that may sound.

    On your way home, the only thing you were thinking was about that email you got while talking..

    You woke up, the sun shining brightly through the rooms curtains and aching your eyes. Morning birds sung, as your alarm dinged the same song from every other night.

    You held your head as you sat up, randomly hit with a dizzy spell.
You slammed the window shut, pulled the curtains closed, and shut off your phone, downing an advil, and grabbing a caffanatied drinkwhile you changed.

    You brushed your teeth, and stared at the sink, looking around your bathroom. You leaned against the door, resting your head. 'God, today is going to be torture.'

    Tired. Drowsiness. Exhausted. Drained. Sluggish. There are a lot of words you could use to describe how you were feeling, but lets just use one: Burnt.
It was this circle of days, that was starting to catch up to you.
It wasn't like school, where you could look forward to summer, or spring break, or a vacation you'll take days off to do.

    All it was was: wake up early, go to work, get home, work on your personal projects for about 3 hours, browse socials, go to bed, and repeat.
There wasn't anything to look forward to, there was no goal except survival, and making money.

    So yeah, you felt burnt. Like a piece of firewood already burned, with no purpose as to its existence, except to exist just for an extra number on population charts.

    Fun times! You weren't planning on doing anything about it, but you were willing to make rash choices to turn life more interesting, and that's what you decided for yourself this morning.

    You entered the daycare, and audibly groaned at the darkness it was swallowed in.
"Aww, it almost sounds like you didn't want to see me." A voice mocked you from above.
Not looking up, you stopped walking. "Moon, what are you doing on the ceiling?"

    There was a laugh. "Whaatt? Am I not allowed my own place preference?"
"I doubt you were just chilling there the whole morning." You hummed, pushing open the doors to the main daycare, and you put your bag next to the desk.
A thud was heard behind you, and you sat down before turning your head towards where you assumed Moon would be.

    You watched him close the daycare doors behind him. "I'm a bit insulted, Y/n. I just wanted to talk yesterday." You could hear his grin. Turning back towards the desk, you reply, "What ever you wanted to say, you can say now, I'm not stopping you."

    "Yeah right, I can't now." He uttered, starting to clean up near the desk. You started up your computer, "Oh really? What did you want to talk about then?"
He rolled his eyes at you, "I was GOING to convince you to not meet up with that guy."
You sneered, "Would've been easy."
Logging in, you open everything up, eventually looking up, noticing you-know-who cleaning away on the farther side of the daycare, he seemed nitpicky about everything, like he didn't have an actual reason to clean, just really wanted to.

    You didn't mind that he was far away from you now, besides you had an important call to make.

    A knock came from the daycare doors at around 1pm, it was a parent picking their kid up. When she showed her parent card, you sighed in relief, thankfully knowing who the child is.
You went up to the kids, who were watching another one of Sun's puppet show.

    "Hey. . . June?" You lightly tapped her shoulder. "You're going home now."
"Awww! No! No hospital!" She whined.
You sighed, with a smile, and ruffled her hair, "If you don't get up, I might need to carry you, Junebug."
"Hmph! You can't pick me up!" She crossed her arms, all sassy-like.
You noticed Sun stopped talking, and when you looked over at him, he was watching you talk to the kid, and seemed to get embarrassed, telling the kids it's snack time instead.

    You look back towards June, "Oh yeah?" You scooped her up, and she started giggling.
"Shoulders, Shoulders!" She yapped, raising up her hands.
"You want to get on my shoulders? Alright, alright."
Placing her on the ground, you turned the other way, bending your knees so she could get on, she yelped as you stood up.

    She giggled, and her hands were on your forehead, almost blocking off your vision, and almost making your daycare cap fall off. "Choo! Choo!" She screamed, making the train motion with one of her arms, before quickly holding onto you for support.

   As you started to power-walk, she laughed loudly, telling you to slow down between laughs.
When you reached her parents, you said, "See? You didn't fall! I'm gonna lift you off, okay?"

  Her parents thanked you, saying that it was, "nice to see a human worker in here". No matter how uncomfortable that was, you smiled and thanked them.

   Across the next two weeks, 'Guy' brought you places almost every other day, and half the time it wasn't even in the plex. You even went bowling for him!
Having said that, there was only one thing you were worried about now.

You were worried of the news you may need to tell Sun and Moon.

(Biggest UWU's to you all!!) 


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