31: Party... Invitations?

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A moment of silence was shared, and the tension was killing you. "Okay, how about I make a deal with you?" You started. "If I don't like the job, I'll try to come back. I don't want to get your hopes up, but I'll be back in 1 to 2 years, but if I don't return, well- you know." You tried to make him feel better, but you really didn't want to tell him anything that might not happen.

He nodded, "Yeah... uhm... Okay..! Sounds good! I- Oh wow! Look at that! Uhhh... I am running out of battery! Whoops! See you- tomorrow then..!" He said with a sort of fake energy, before walking back to his room, slowly, with his head hung low.

The next day when you entered the daycare, all the lights were bright and shining. You put everything on the desk, and started your computer, and the next time you looked up, Sun was there seeking for your attention. "Y/n, I have a proposal!" He paused. "-It'll be tons of fun! But a bit sad- but still fun!" Sun held his face, and froze completely. Waiting for you to respond with something.

"What's up?" You kept your voice blank, holding back a yawn.
Suns' smile seemed to stretch, and then he nodded. "Since you won't be here after this week. . . You should totally stay over for the party! Have a final sleepover with me!. . . A consensual one!" It seemed like if you let him talk any longer, he'd just start rambling, so you jumped in, saying you just had one question. "-Where are you after hours? You know. . . When I was here last?"

The heavy silence that dawned on you after, made you quickly regret asking that question. "....Charging."
"Where's your charging station then? I didn't see you at the one in your room, but... you were still in your room." You pressed on.
Sun laughed a bit, before answering the question. "I have no idea! That was a while back I couldn't possibly remember!" He knocked on his head twice, and seemed energetic, but somehow his energy was just off.

You said nothing more after that though, and just nodded, looking back at your computer screen.
Beats of silence went by, and then Sun asked a question: "Should I... tell the kids you're leaving? In case any of them want to say goodbye!" You stared at your screen, and didn't look up. "Don't bother, I doubt they'll notice." You weren't sounding sad, but more 'matter of fact'-ly.

Sun shook his head, "I don't believe that! They really have taken a liking to you!" He said happily, and you raised an eyebrow at him. "How? I barely ever talk to them." You hummed bluntly. Sun responded carefully, "When you do, the kids tell the new ones about it! And you're basically like a heroic mystery to them. They talk about you all the time!"
You frowned, "Oh, great. Disappointingly far away standards children set for me. Sweet...though." It isnt like that actually made you upset, you just had too much pride to act like they're above it all.

You wish you could say that the day flew by, but. . . It didn't.
A matter of fact, it's not even over. The kids just found out you're leaving, and they now are swarming your desk. Asking a bunch of questions too quickly for you to answer. You looked down at the time on your computer, it was nearing naptime. Once you managed to get the kids away from you, you leaned back on your chair and went on your phone. Then you heard a knock on the door. With a groan, you stood up, and opened it.

Aria was standing there with a wobbly smile, a bunch of gifts and balloons and cards in her hands. You blinked. "What."
"Everyone wanted to give you 'going away' gifts." She smiled awkwardly.
"Uhm, 'everyone' doesn't know I exist."
She shrugged, placing everything beside the desk. "Yeah, well, 'everyone' feels bad about it." And then she left.

You stared at the stuff on the floor, and sighed, tying the balloons to one of the chairs, and placing everything orderly.
Once naptime rolled around, you busied yourself on your phone for a bit, until you saw Moon from the corner of your eye.
"Y/n-" He started, but you interrupted him. "Hey dude, do have any big bags or something?"
"What? Why?"
You then pointed to the pile, "I need to bring all of this home."
"Oh. Uh, I might be able to find something." He seemed confused, but still left for a second, coming back around 5 minutes later. "Nope. Not in here at least."
'Alright, damn. Guess I'll be slowly bringing these back over the next 3 days.'

You turned on your phone, but before you were able to even login, Moon spoke again, sounding annoyed. "The hell is this?" You rolled your eyes, "How am I supposed to-." When you looked over to him, you immediately snapped your mouth shut.
It was a fucking bouquet of arranged flowers, with a pink letter attached.

"You know, I may not be able to buy you anything, but I have my own ways to show affection, my Comet~?" Moon hummed, leaning over the desk, and reaching behind you, dropping the flowers in the trash, then pulling back.
You stared at him, seemingly unimpressed. "Oh, ha. Ha."
He kept his cheeky mannerisms, as he held out the letter for you to grab. "I'm just saying Y/n, there's better choices. Preferably us, but you do you."

You felt like he was joking, so you stared at him blankly, then opening the letter, it had a hand-made paper card inside. Moon stayed chilling by the desk, so you guessed he wanted you to read it out loud.
You turned on your phone flashlight to its lowest setting, ". . . I know you're leaving work, sure I'll miss you being here, but I'll make it a point to still hang with you often, yeah? And. . . See you at the party!-Guy."

Finally you reached your second to last day. When you went inside the doors, you immediately got tackled. "MOON-!" You were about to curse him out, then he leaned down, putting a hand over your mouth, "Come on now, I just wanted to give a proper goodbye. . . While we're alone." He whispered, letting his hand fall off your mouth.

As soon as a heavy blush spread on your face, you pushed him off, and he fell to the side pretty easily, as if he let you push him.
The room was quiet for only a moment, before Moon starting laughing. You sat up quickly and flicked him. "You're an ass." Even though you phrased it to sound rude, you had a grin on your face.

Unlike, any time. . . Ever, you and Moon had a pretty fun back and fourth conversation, but he got a little annoyed when you asked for Sun to come out.
As soon as Sun saw you, he picked you up in a hug. He spun a little and clearly didn't want to let you down, and. . . Come on, this is Sun. You weren't going to force him to.

Wrapping your legs around his torso, you leaned slightly back, holding his face in your hands. "You know what, I'm gonna miss you Sunny."
He stared at you for a second, as if you caught him off guard. "Oh, uh. . . Yeah!" You heard fans start to kick into gear, just like what happens when you're on your computer for too long. "-I already said how much I missed you so-" Sun put you down, steadily.

After talking with him for a bit, the music started playing, and you nudged him. "Talk to you later!"
"Yeah, mhm! We. . . Still have that sleepover,  right...?" He asks, a bit awkwardly.
You nodded, and relaxed, as the day officially started.

(Womp Womp)

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