12: Night At The Plex

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"It's not my fault. I didn't know I was about to fall asleep!"
"Sleeping on your job is verrryy unprofessional Y/n~!"
"Again, Not my fault that work is so boring. What time is it?"

He just stared at you with that same old creepy ass grin.
"Okay Fine. Don't tell me." You mutter, Leaning back on your chair.

You close your eyes for barely even a couple seconds, And when you open them once more, Moon was completely out of sight.

You scoffed. "If you even THINK that I care about finding you, you're incorrect. Stray away from me, and Let. Me. Sleep."
From somewhere in the daycare, (You weren't quite sure on where) You heard Moon. "My~ My~ What an attitude you have today.." He Hummed.

"Only for you." You mumbled, rolling your eyes.
Unknown to you, apparently he heard.
The next thing you know, You heard a 'THUMP' from behind you. Except, it sounded more muffled.

He spun your chair so you were facing him. You straightened your posture a little, but kept a straight face.
"Seems you're calling me special
"All types." You deadpan.

"I notice this 'tough guy' act Y/n~ But Exactly how long, can you keep it up?"
'The bitch is trying to test my limits- okay fine. If he wants to push me around, I'll do the same.'

"Tough guy act?" You respond. "I'm not uncomfortable or anything Moon, A matter of fact, this is vaguely attractive~"
He seemed to not know what expression to make.

Of course you were joking about all of this, in reality, you didn't really feel that way at all,
He returned to his usual unsettling grin. You just knew he was gonna say something at least a little angering.

"Rrrriiiggghhht... I'm sure you do."


'Huh. Nice timing.'
"Y/n! I'm sorry for not waking you up..."
"It's fine Sunny." You get up from the chair, and push it back to the right spot. "Besides, Staying another night shouldn't kill me."
"Hopefully.." Sun muttered.
You tilt your head slightly. "What was that?"

"UH- NOTHING! I'm SURE you'll be FINE!" Sun blurted out.
Freezing a bit, then grabbing your arm and he starts to pull you somewhere.

Sun brings you to the arts and crafts station, and you sit beside him. "I was planning on preparing a few things for the kids tonight! You could keep me company!"
He paused. And began to fiddle with his hands. "Or you could.... help me out- Only If you'd like!"
(The last sentence is only dirty if you make it that way. You simps. 🤨📸)

"Sure! What are we doing?"
Sun gave you a smile. "Well! I was thinking of setting up a small project for them!"
You cut him off. "So, I'm guessing, you were planning on filling up small baggies with small crafts items?"

Sun paused, Before giving a large smile. "CORRECT!"
"Seems easy enough! Just tell me what goes where!"

You've been helping alongside Sun for a good 24 Minutes, While being in mostly silence.
It was especially awkward when you had to reach past Sun to grab a few things.

Oh. And When Your hands, Elbows, Shoulders, accidentally brush,
When you lightly kick your legs, then end up accidentally kicking Sun.
Or, When you accidentally elbow him.

Sure, He was really Kind whenever you'd apologize, But still.
You finished the last bag. You only needed to make 20, And Sun Made 28. Just So every Kid was able to get two bags.

Sun swung a leg over the bench seat, So that he was facing you, and gave you a tight hug. When Sun set you free, He stood up, you gave a questioning glance, and asked, "What was that for?" With a smile on your face.

"I wanted to!" Sun held out a hand, And you grabbed it, Standing up. "Do you have a box we could put all this in? Or...?"
"That I do!" He let go of your hand and pulled out a cardboard box from under the table. With a tag that said, 'Projects!'

Sun proceeded to push everything off the table, and into the box, Before putting the box back under the table.

He turned back to you, and gave a smile once more.


You flinched a bit. Hearing 'someone' "Ooo~ It seems they let me out early!" Moon cooed.

You knew it was Moon, Because of the voice, the darkness, the previous context, And, Of course, his glowing red eyes.

Hard to miss. Pretty much peering into your soul. And almost the only light source available.

"Say Y/n~? By chance, Do you have a fear of heights?" You could practically hear the grin he had.
'The fuck do I say to that?'



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