33: Jealousy, Jealousy

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(WOW, im still getting so many notifications from you all reading my shit, its awesome. ^^^^)

Moon stood up again, to stop leaning against the desk, and scanned over the sleeping mats of kids. "Never thought that'd annoy me so much." He scoffed, and you tilted your head. "What?"
"The 'if'. I hate how uncertain it is." Moon rested his elbows on the desk, tilting his head a bit, as he watched you type. "I would wish you had a kid, so you'd still come here almost everyday. But, that would completely undermine the entire reason we'd want to see you often." He rolled his eyes, and you glanced up at him, confused, since that could've meant mutiple things.

"How so?" You asked, and Moon went quiet, then responded, "It'd mean that you-" The sound of a rustling sleeping mat was heard, interrupting him, and Moon shrugged, going back to the kids, saying, "Nevermind. I'll talk to you later, Y/n."
You were too late to respond, as he was already far away, but you sighed, and stared at the desk for a moment, before getting back to work.

Oh god. Uhm, so... The kids'll start clearing out soon.
Which means also means it's time for the sleepover soon. Finally? Ish. We'll have to see.
Sun and Moon are great! But.. hopefully things won't be too bad... alone... with them.
'Okay, not to admit anything... I'm nervous. Can I handle this? Ugh, I was alone with them many times before. Why is it NOW that the mere thought makes my stomach churn?'
You mentally cursed yourself, before watching Sun shoo the kids over to the parent-pick-up area.

You brought your feet up to rest on your chair, hugging your knees to your chest, as you finished up things on the computer, and switched to socials on your phone. You noticed right away that Guy texted you, asking if you were still going to the party.
After debating, you said you were, "And you?" You returned. Sending the message, you scrolled up a bit. 'Ah, right. I did tell him I'd be staying the night here. Wonder if he'll stop by.' Turning off your phone, finally, and placing it face up on the counter, you look back up to the balcony.

Two kids ran to the railing, one of them waved, and the other pushed June over a bit, waving to you, with a bit more energy. The first kid, stomped. "Hey! Find your own rail-spot Timothy!" She pouted, and the kid crossed his arms, with puffed up cheeks. "I was just saying bye, b..bi.. BITCH!!"
You heard a collection of gasps, before they tackled eachother. Sadly, your laugh was cut short, since you got a 'ding!' From your phone.

"Hell yeah! Noon-ish? Not as early as you!" Guy sent. Followed by three laughing-with-tears emojis.
'Thats... definitely something alright.' You cocked a brow, he was a strange one, that's for damn sure.
Though you wanted to be nice, and lively, you couldn't not respond with 'K.' Sure, you wanted to know what his plans were, but after that? You'd just settle on waiting to see.
Picking up your pen, you wrote down a reminder for when he'll arrive. It didn't really matter, you just didn't want to be lonely during the party.


Anndd, you were getting a little impatient. OKAY! You were nervous to talk to them, but you still wanted to! Besides it's not like- oh my god, did that parent just compliment him?
You were subconsciously watching Sun intract with the adults, and one lady said something, her smile was as sweet as sugar. Sun seemed.. flattered. Not really flustered but..
'Pffs. I've complemented him before. That lady isn't fucking special. It's picking up your child, stop the small talk you-'
You heard a crack, and looked down at your hand, ink seeping out of a new crack on the pen. Slowly spreading onto your fingers.

You quickly grabbed a blank sheet of paper, and dropped the pen onto it. Pausing for a second. Staring at it. Then shaking your head. 'Nuh-uh. NO WAY. I'm NOT doing this today. It's not like I care about how people interact with them! It doesn't matter. It's just that- It's... God, it'd be SO damn weird if I had a cr- AAHHHHhahaha!!' A shaky smile formed on your face, as you threw away the pen, and started aggressively scrubbing at the ink with a napkin and hand sanitizer.

Your teeth were clenched, and you scoffed. Repeatedly telling yourself that you don't 'fucking care!' Because that'd be crazy talk!
"Uhm.. Y/-" Sun couldn't even finish speaking before you gasped, kicking away from the desk, the chair sliding almost 2 feet away, before you stood up quickly. "My GOD! You scared the HELL outta me! What are you doing sneaking up on people at this time?!" You huffed, adjusting your 'SuperStar Daycare Employee!' hat, then finally sitting back down.

"At this time? I mean, all the parents normally finish picking up their kids by now-" He said slowly, backing a foot away from the desk so you could have more space.
"Oh really? And you don't wanna chat with the single moms a bit more?" You mumbled quietly and quickly, through clenched teeth which showed a not-so-happy smile.
"What'd you say?" Sun asked, and you quickly responded. "Oh pft, nothing! Just still slightly rattled up!"

Respectfully, Sun answered with a slow nod. A knock was at the door, and Sun went to open it, but since you were closer, you reached it first.
Guy smiled at you. "Oh, so the kids are gone! You responded to my text so dryly, I couldn't tell if you needed anything or not, haha!"
You opened your mouth slightly, and closed it again, glancing over at Sun, then at Guy, and asking, "Well that depends, did you get anything?"

Giving you a smile, he pulled out a thin box, wrapped in yarn. "Yeah, just a small gift. Some people had way better stuff than just.. flowers. Ha.. ha!" He held out the box for you, rocking back and fourth slightly on his heels. You took it out of his hands, thanking him quietly, he nodded before pausing, and saying. "Heeyyy! Y/n, yaknow, you gotta get back to me on that lil' garden date!"
"Our what?" You asked, and Sun said "You have a what now?" At almost the same time.

'Woah now, what was THAT reaction? Okay, maybe I should stay. Then maybe.. Sun'll...' You caught yourself off, once Guy, looked over at Sun, and rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly, his face was flushed out, and he had a crooked smile on. "Haha! Well, uhmm.. not a date-date! More like a hangout!"
You were still stuck with your thoughts though, as you brought the box up, holding it close, to try and make your red face less... noticeable. "Yeah... hangout.." You muttered, only half paying attention to the actual context.

Sun looked at you and Guy, before holding his hands behind his back, and taking a few steps away. "Ah-a- Wow, I should not be intruding on this conversation then, huh?" His shoulders fell a bit, and he seemed apologetic.
Getting snapped out of thought, you turn half-way to Sun. "No, no! It's fine, it wasn't gonna last much longer." You promised, turning your head to Guy, and saying you might text him later about it, before shutting the door.

There was a few beats of silence, Sun was the one that broke it. "Hey..hmm... can I ask you something?" He seemed to be fidgeting a lot, which made a part of you worry, but you were trying to make understanding of his movements, so you nodded slowly.
"You would actually.. want.. to stay over, right? I-its not that I'm complaining!! I just really really reeeaallyy don't want to make you feel obligated to hangout with us!" He stopped himself, so he wouldn't stop rambling, and you put the box on the desk.

'I'll miss you both. I just want to.. savor it a bit.' Is what you were thinking, but you said, "Eh, sounds like fun."
Though it sounded less sincere, Sun immediately brightened up by it, standing on his tip-toes, "Oh, oh! It does? That's wonderful! I'd rather that than you think we're.. uh.. annoying! I'm happy it was just a little too much over thinkin'!" For some reason, that incredibly endearing tone still made you feel bad.

Sun put up his pointer finger. "Quickly though! Is that why you asked me about him?"
Your eyes widened. "What? You.. uh... Ya talking about Xavier?" You asked, squinting your eyes a bit.
"Mhm! I know you love keeping personal details... but, I'm just really curious! If.. its... serious, I suppose." By the end of his sentence, his energy and volume died down a lot, but it was all still there.

Your jaw dropped, and you laced your fingers together. "No, no! I don't... uh.. like him like that."
Sunny nodded slowly, switching the topic. "Crafts? Movie? Food?" He asked, swaying a bit, impatiently. "Whatcha in the mood for?"

(See? Told ya it'd take less time.)

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