A2-05: After-Hours

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◇ABOA || ARCH 02◇

◇ABOA || ARCH 02◇

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He gave you a small unenthusiastic wave as you closed the doors behind you, nothing short of a scowl tugging at his face, but he refrained it.
You'd be back. Soon. He had to repeat to himself, no use in overstressing, technically you didn't leave yet.
This was a win for him after all! Maybe Moon would slowly melt out of the picture, too.


The second you came back, was basically music to Sun. He was itching for your return from the second the lights switched back on, and the lights coming on was proof he was in reality, and you really were here.
Sun didn't have any dreams, but seeing you could've been just a lucid daydream, and the clock would strike, Sun would take a look around and realize he was cleaning the daycare the entire time.

When you had to leave for the day, however, wasn't quite as. . . Happy-go-lucky.

The other workers were packing up for the day, when you picked up your bag, Sun felt a sense of near betrayal tick in his system. The others were planning on just walking out, but they started fake idle talk, just as they were interested by Suns' interactions with you, or in other words...
They wanted to see this.
"Y.. You're not leaving yet, are ya Friend?" He babbled out, pulling tightly on his ribbons, "Is- can't you stay the night again? Just like before!"

"Oh. Hm." You sucked in air through your teeth, furrowing your expression. "I don't think so, Sun. I have someone picking me up today, and we're probably going to dinner after. Sorry."
His expression dropped.



That's exactly why he shouldn't let you leave. The entire day he could easily get to you if he so wanted, but it's not the same story when you're outside of the plex, is it?

When you quickly caught his demeanor you waved a hand and tried to get the mood up again, "I'll be back tomorrow, Sun! I could try to get here a bit earlier, even, if it *helps-?"
* = If it gets Sun to stop making you feel guilty, you meant.

Sun went quiet for a moment, he didn't really see 10-15 minutes better when compared to 12-ish hours.
That's just silly.
"As in. . . You'll be here tomorrow, no matter what, right?"
You stared.

That's a bit of a weird question.

"I'll be here." You repeated, even with an air of uncertainty in your voice—after hearing how Sun phrased the question— He agreed to let you go, though he didn't seem to know why he asked either.

The door opened slightly, and everyone's head turned.
Guy knocked twice on the door, before showing you a small wave. "Ready to go yet, Y/n?" He asked, and you put on a small smile, "Yeah, that's fine. Talk to you then, Sunny?"
But when you looked back, Suns' usual smile was dropped, even with their new face upgrade you've only ever actually seen Moon in a down-scowled expression.
It didn't look right, not natural for Sun at least.

•𝙰 𝙱𝚒𝚝 𝙾𝚏 𝙰𝚜𝚜𝚒𝚝𝚊𝚗𝚌𝚎!• SB!Yandere-𝕄𝕠𝕠𝕟/𝑆𝑢𝑛 x Reader❤︎︎Where stories live. Discover now