13: Vague Trust

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(UwU Tee Hee 🥺👉👈)

(Okay, I'm sorry. 😖)

You scoff. "Even IF I did, Why do you want to know?" You had a obvious tang of annoyance your voice.
'Okay... Maybe I shouldn't make him mad'

"You say that like you arent Y/n~?"
"I'm Not." You seethed.
Moon crossed his arms and gave you a glare. He walked behind you, And you froze up. You felt his hand glide onto one of your shoulders. And crouched down next to you, On the opposite side of where is hand was placed. "Are you Sure?"

You stay staring straight forward. "I'm- Sure." You mumbled. Feeling extremely threatened by Moons strong grip. You felt his claws start to pain your skin.

You felt his hand move down, Before his arm is completely wrapped around your waist.

You look down, Feeling the ground leave from below your feet. Your eyes widen. And you grab on to Moon tightly. Wrapping your legs around his torso.
The next time you look down, The ground, Was really. Really. Far away.

You felt your stomach drop. And your heart rate speed up. You could almost feel your hearts every beat. Your breathing began to tremble, And your eyes started to sting.
'Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.'

"You look terrified Y/n~"
Your grip around him tightened. "Don't let go. Please don't make me fall." You whispered at a tone so quiet, even you could barely hear yourself.
But again, if you spoke too loudly, he would hear your quavering voice.

You felt to feel yourself slip. And panic started to trigger your brain. Somehow, you wanted to trust that Moon would help you out a bit.

Shockingly, in a way, he did. His brought his other hand below your thigh. Stopping you from slipping farther down.

You saw Moon with a large grin. "You are terrified aren't you? You.. Dirty, Liar Y/n." He.. Purred..?
You heard a small 'Thump' And Moon placed you down.

Quickly, you found yourself landing on soft matting. You look around, noticing you were on top of play structures. Still extremely high up in the air.

Moon crouched down right infront of you, and you scurry backwards, Getting yourself at least 3 feet away from him.

"Why so scared Y/n? Just seconds ago, You were oh-so clingy."
"THATS BECAUSE YOU BROUGHT ME SO FAR UP?! I was terrified!" You said worryingly.
"And I didn't drop you did I~?"
You held your breath for a few seconds, Then exhaled deeply, Crossing your arms, And seething through your teeth.

Moon came closer once more, lifting up your chin slightly. "I've kept you well this long Y/n, Trust me a little~"
He said this with a cruel grin.

But for some reason, Your tense muscles seemed to relax. But they tensed right back up, by the thought of this relaxing you.


The second Sun came out, you hugged him. You were still high up, meaning, You were still terrified. Besides, you were previously sitting right at the edge of the 'roof'. Now, Relying on Sunny for some reassurance of some kind.
And besides, you trusted him a lot more.  

"Y/n..?" You felt Sun flinch. "Oh."
He scooped you up bridal style, And jumped down from the structures.

You landed with not much backlash. Sunny set you down, and crouched down infront of you. "Are you okay?" Sun said in a soft tone. Which- Was not entirely expected.
You suck in a deep breath. "I'm.. fine. Thank you."

He stood up quickly, a giant smile returning on his face. "Today you were REALLY tired Y/n!.. You should sleep tonight, So you'll be well energized tomorrow!"

You let out a sigh. "It seems all I've  been doing the past few days is sleep... Alright. Sure.."
"GREAT! You can rest in my room!"
You freeze. Not exactly knowing how comfortable you'd be with that.

Which somehow, Sun noticed. "Don't worry Y/n! Nobody uses the bed at all! Not even I! Actually... The staff fixed up my room solely for you!"
"For me?" You didn't know how much you believed him.

"Yup! After all... You work inside the daycare, and staff do get trapped in the plex from time to time!"
You take in a deep breath. "Alright then. Sure."

'I guess eventually I will need to start trusting them more... But only when I feel I can. After all, This is a Fazbears Establishment.'


•𝙰 𝙱𝚒𝚝 𝙾𝚏 𝙰𝚜𝚜𝚒𝚝𝚊𝚗𝚌𝚎!• SB!Yandere-𝕄𝕠𝕠𝕟/𝑆𝑢𝑛 x Reader❤︎︎Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora