Chapter 12

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Dedicated to the site WATTPAD for giving me a platform to show the world my writings. Thank you so much wattpad!

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Annabel pov

Being so close to Dean was something I never experienced in my life before. The strange butterflies that roamed in my stomach were a funny feeling.

In my life I have never been close to a boy and the truth is I don’t even know how he looks. But I can sense his heart is true. He will never do something which makes me uncomfortable.

I was back in my room and dreaming about Dean.

I must say I was disappointed that our little moment was interrupted by the phone ring. But I was happy that I could spend some time with Dean.

Was it a sign that Dean is interested me? Can it really happen that a boy can like a blind girl?

It doesn’t matter if Dean is not interested in me because I am glad to have him as a friend.


“Annie wake up! “ My mom shouted.

It was Saturday and school was closed. Why was my mom waking me up?

“Mom, it’s Saturday, let me sleep”

I could hear footsteps coming up and my bedroom’s door opened.

“Annie, did you forget? Your father and your brother are coming home today” My mom reminded me.

Oh right! My great father and my not so great brother were come home today.

My father was in military and used to stay out most of the time and my brother was in 4th grade and studied in a boarding school.

“Yes, I forgot”

“Come on, get ready quickly.” Mom said

“Mom, you go ahead and get yourself presentable for them. I will just stay here, under this very warm blanket and enjoy in my dreamland” I suggested my mom this amazing idea hopping her to accept.

“No sweety, just wake up and get dressed.” Mom ordered.

“Mom, I don’t want to.” I protested

“You have to” Mom in her motherly tone

“What’s the point of getting ready for people who likes to believe I don’t exist?” I asked her angrily but inside I was hurting.

My father didn’t like me and he likes to believe I don’t exist. He wishes that his life would have been better with me out of picture. I am a black spot in his perfect family picture.

I can say that I was never daddy’s little princess as other girls are.

I can never say that I hate him because no matter what he is my dad and I love him. I wish he loved me too.

“Don’t say like that baby. It’s not true; your father loves you, even if he doesn’t show it.” She said softly.

“Mom, you know very well that he doesn’t love me. I have accepted the fact and I happy without him. Now, let me be alone”

“Annie, this is an order, go get fresh and no more arguments” Mom ordered.

She closed the door and left.

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