Chapter 24 - "Forgive and Forget."

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Louis' POV

About fifteen stressful minutes later, that consisted of Harry dumbly staring at Louis for three solid minutes until he was mere seconds from ripping that pretty little head of his off, and Louis impatiently tugging on Harry's jeans to get him to sit down in his seat instead of spending god knows how many hours standing and staring at him, the plane had finally taken off into the night's sky, steadily gaining height.

The following twelve minutes, in Louis' opinion, however, were ought to be almost as awful when Harry started to fidget, rearrange the pillows, the drinks in front of them on the small table, - Yes, that shit had swapped Louis' with his because, "Louis, I do not like ice in my drinks, you know how sensitive my teeth are!"- his shoes with his airplane slippers and, heck, even the luggage that had already been securely stored above their heads in the plane cupboards. Eventually, he stopped bouncing his right leg, composed himself to sit still and behave like any other normal civil human being would.

"Are you done?" Louis asked him in annoyance. He unclenched his hands from the armrests and busied himself with the task of untying his head phones.

Harry's smile hadn't faltered once since this morning. He was overly happy about all of this, "Mhh, yeah, I guess so," he said only half pleased with his work. "This is all just very cool, innit? Hawaii and all that," he perked up.

"You don't have any problem with this marriage at all, do you?" Louis questioned.

"Louis, I told you already, I think this is a great start of something new. I've got a lot of stuff to make up to y-"

Louis quickly intervened, "Stop, ugh, Harry, we've talked about this often enough, don't make this plane ride about emotional confessions, please. Let's get some rest, drink your coke, now that you have mine without ice. I'm still mad, by the way, and I don't know, listen to music or watch a movie or something. I need some time to myself before we are stuck on the same island for three weeks." Now his smile did falter. It wasn't that Louis hated Harry's company anymore, he knew he had been having some fun with him the last few days and Harry actually was nice to be around, but Louis didn't want to be the weak one here, letting Harry crawl back into his life as if nothing had ever happened.

"You always act like I'm a child. I'm not freaking stupid, Louis. Listen to music or watch a movie yourself, don't tell me what to do, you always do that and I don't like it. I'm only being nice and mature about all of this and I'm trying to actually solve things, unlike you."

"You're not a child, but you're also not mature at all. I said I don't want this to be about confessions. We've got plenty of time for that once we've arrived. Let me relax, please. I'm not in the mood to have a fight with you," Louis warned. He closed his eyes and stuck his now untied headphones in.

"You were so friendly this morning. I should've known you're too hormonal to stay nice. I haven't even done anything wrong. I mean, I brought you coffee, I carried your luggage, let you sit in the window seat, I even-", the remaining sentence was swallowed by the melody of the song blasting through Louis' headphones. He turned the volume up and cracked his left eye open to check if Harry had noticed anything. His mouth was still moving, implying that he was not finished complaining about Louis' mean behaviour and whatever cruelties he had done to him, but Louis couldn't be bothered to listen. He was aware of how rude he was being. In his defence, though, he had explained that he wanted to have time to himself and a fight with Harry clearly wasn't on his to-do list for this flight. He didn't mean to upset Harry intentionally, he'd already admitted to having grown fond of him, he was trying his best, after all. Yet, for now, Louis had to erase him from his thoughts and have a nap. There were hours ahead to talk and banter.

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