Chapter 11 - "Someone's panties are in a twist today."

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Louis' POV

Wait a moment.

"Zayn! My teacup!" I yelled after him and he stopped dead in his tracks, turning halfway around. I knew I had forgotten something and obviously he, himself, hadn't noticed the mug that he was still clenching to in his hand as well. His eyes widned in realization and he laughed lightly.

"Oh, oh, oh, nearly thieved something there." Swiftly, he gulped down the remaining tea in the cup and pushed it once it was empty into the hands of a passing maid with a tight smile.

"Sorry, babe, I'm off and thanks for the tea." With that and a wave of his hand, Zayn was gone and I shook my head in disbelief. Zayn was a special one.

Now, I was left wondering what had caused his early and sudden departure. It was unlike him to just leave without any further explanation. And who the hell was Nobbie? Was that some short form for Norbert?

"Nobbie, Nobbie, Nobbie...," I mumbled to myself, "Think, think, think..." I tapped against my head. As I thought of the answer to my question, Harry walked past me, looking pissed off as alomst always and I stopped him with my arm.

"Do you know someone called Nobbie? Or possibly Norbert?" I asked while Harry immediately pried my hands off him roughly. I rolled my eyes. What has gotten into him, I had literally touched every part of his body yesterday and now his arm was a problem?

"First of all, get your hands off me, you do not touch me. Secondly, nope, don't recall," he sighed annoyed. I bet he was still angry because of my 'attempt' to kill him in that pool and well, I couldn't blame him. The illness that he was spreading around was all due to my stupidity.

"Thanks for the help, twat," I responded and slid my hands in my pockets. Silence filled the hallway as Harry stood infront of me unsure of himself, wipping back and forth on his feet. If it wasn't for the several times Amanda, a maid, passed us making noises in the background this situation would've been totally awkward.

"Who should that be?" Harry questioned clearly uninterested, fidgeting with his fingers.

"Precisely my question," I grumbled and looked at the ground, it was getting very weird in his precence.

"Is your idiot friend gone yet?" He asked then, lighting up at the thought, finally building up a more normal conversation.

"Why? Wanna spend some alone time with me?" I smirked seductively. Slapping the back off my head, Harry let out a noise of disgust and I let out a gasp in surprise.

"How about no. Zayn's stupidity obviously rubs off on you," he stated but then added, "Although you've already been stupid before, nothing new there."

"Ha. Ha. Ha," I laughed dryly, "Aren't you funny."

"Are you fighting again?" Suddenly Anne emerged from nowhere, popping her head through the door that led to the hallway. This lady was everywhere everytime, always, like a spy and it was getting on my nerves.

"Nope, we're all good." Harry hastily replied and threw his arms around my shoulders, bringing me closer. The last thing I wanted to do was to spend yet some more quality time with him and end up nearly dying in a pool. Going along, I smiled and punched Harry's shoulder in a 'good friends' manner.

"Best mates." I faked a laugh, oppressing a grossed out expression, preventing us both from one of Anne's plenty 'spend time together' ideas. Harry only rubbed his shoulder in pain while trying to not appear hurt. What a pussy.

"Glad to hear," Anne singsonged and disappeared behind a corner. Instantly, I jerked Harry's arms off from around myself, not that I felt disgusted by his touch, oh no, but as far as I could recall he was the one to swap out of my touch.

Friends. // l.s.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora