Chapter 5 - "Fine Mr. Meany."

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Louis' POV

"Goodbye, sweeties, we'll be back sunday morning and don't set the house on fire nor kill each other, would you?" Anne bid farewell and began to laugh obnoxiously at her own joke.

"No... but seriously, don't," She added sternly, raising her left eyebrow.

"Yeah, we won't, promise," Harry hugged her goodbye and I waved awkwardly keeping a safe distance to Harry. We didn't want to get in touch with him, did we? No.

Harry had a huge grin spread across his face as Anne playfully poked one of his adorable dimples. Ugh, no, not adorable.

"Stay safe, my little chipmunk," Anne gushed.

"Will do," Harry replied shrugging it off, trying to keep his cool infront of me although I knew he inwardly enjoyed the little banter with his mother. Tugging a suitcase behind him, my father descended from the stairs. In my opinion the suitcase had a way too large size for a only two day business trip to Hong Kong. But who was I to judge?

"Love, the car is waiting," my father commented and Anne blushed.

"Of course, dear. Come here, Louis, give the old lady a goodbye hug," she winked and stepped dangerously close.

"Uhm, okay,..." I mumbled and opened my arms reluctantly. I had hugged Anne so often in the past, it felt like a lifetime ago. She pulled me in roughly and somewhat lovingly. The gesture was so motherly and natural, I missed it. I missed my mum. Harry coughed uncomfortably in the background, so Anne let go of me and headed to the limousine giving her last goodbyes.

"Well... bye," my father cleared his throat and patted Harry and me on the back simultaneously a few times. Wow, what a loving gesture. I was thrilled.

"Yup... bye," I said lightly and Harry nodded eagerly.

"Yeah, bye," he agreed. It was then that I realized my dad had his hands still placed on our shoulders and wiggled out of his touch. Harry smiled politely and my dad finally closed the door behind him.


"I'm quite enjoying your loss of words, you know?" I stated with a smile.

"Shut up," Harry chuckled and glared at me for a while. The intense eye contact was sort of odd, when was the last time I had freaking laughed with him? And why did I now?

Eventually, my gaze flew to the ground and I bit my lower lip. Now, was the perfect opportunity for me to kill him, but we just stood there looking at our very interesting feet until finally a pretty maid showed up.

"Master Styles, we'll leave soon just as you requested. Are you sure, there is nothing else you need to have prepared?" She asked timidly. Huh, what was that about? Why would Harry want the maids to be gone? In which world would anyone ever want maids to be gone?

"No, thank you. That's all, have a good night," Harry told her and she bowed sweetly.

"Master Tomlinson," she dismissed herself and so did the other maids. I waved at them and caught Tessa with a smug look on her face. I had no idea what was going on but I was too lazy to search for answers so I kept my mouth shut. I was looking forward to a nice lazy day without any adults but a lot of video games.

Harry and I departed and I went up to my room and slumped down on my bed. It was beyond comfy. I fell into a light slumber and was awoken by an obnoxiously ringing doorbell. Startled, I shot up and literally fell out of bed.

Well done, Lewis.

Why did Harry have to send the maids home anyway? I attempted to fix my appearence quickly but I had a perfect bed head and it was no use. The doorbell rang again and I hurried down the stairs. Panting, I reached the door. I had yet to invest in a personal trainer, seriously. I turned the knob and was greeted by a hollering Liam and Niall.

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