Chapter 15 - "Nice going Styles."

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Louis' POV

After the big news had been announced, Harry's mum and my father had excused themselves from the dining room, leaving Harry and I to get used to the new situation.

Personally, I wasn't a fan of such a rushed wedding and especially the location settings in Hawaii, but I didn't know what to do about it. My father had made it pretty clear to me that there was nothing that I could change about it and I wasn't in the mood to rebel against him anymore.

Although the biggest problem was that I now had to spend at least a week with Harry in a small bungalow on an island far away from anyone, most importantly Zayn. At first, I was sure that we all would be living in the same one all together, as in 4 people, but then Anne shattered that image.

They had ranted a whole bungalow for Harry and I, just for the two of us.


I didn't understand why our parents seemed to think that the idea of us sharing a small house was good but it surely wasn't, concerning that yet again Harry's and my relationship had taken another level of awkwardness.

In my opinion, it was perhaps better for the both of us to start avoiding one another like we had before. The past was haunting me badly and all of the things I had pushed away the previous years were slipping back into my mind. The memories I had tried desperately to forget and lock away, in hopes of never being confronted with them again, the memories that I had deemed as a finished case that I would never have to bring up again.

Turned out, I was wrong.

I had done everything in my power to keep them stored away, but look where we were now. Living in the same house, our parents to be married soon, we as soon to be step brothers and now even sharing a stupid bungalow for a week.

Harry on the other hand, didn't seem to be bothered at all with any of this. Throughout the conversation he had barely spoken up and shared whatever had been on his mind. He didn't even say anything when I clearly had wanted him to. If he thought he could get away with that, he was wrong. In my world, I felt like he owed me big time.

Harry was still sat across from me, silently humming to himself and drawing mindless patterns on the table, his eyebrows were knitted together in concentration while his tongue poked out. Everything was still peaceful, but that was about to change.

"Why didn't you say something?" I spoke, breaking through the silence.

"What?" His fingers stopped their movements and he looked innocently at me with wide eyes. He couldn't be serious. This was a typical Harry for me, always acting as if nothing ever happened when there was obviously something that had only mere minutes or hours ago. Not to mention the incident in the kitchen.

"You heard me. You were supposed to at least back me up, I even kicked you under the table! You should've told them how stupid that was!" His expression remained neutral and I glared at him angrily. If he didn't talk to me now, he was sure to not be sitting that peaceful in his chair much longer. But unexpectantly, he did.

"I think we both knew that this was going to happen sooner or later, no matter what we do or say. It's not that big of a deal anyway. We're getting a vacation, that's pretty awesome if you ask me," he replied factually and rose from his chair. I was positive of him knowing of what to expect next and apparently Harry was too much of a wimp to stay and get it over with. In order to keep him from walking away, I stood up as well and placed myself infront of him. I could tell how annoyed he was.

"Well, I didn't ask you. And obviously I don't want to go on any vacation with you. Have you forgotten what happened? And I still don't know what that... that was about. I'm asking you this again, tell me. Just don't do that shit again," I snapped.

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