Chapter 14 - "Me, myself and I."

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Louis' POV

"Tell me."

Now, that I was so close to Harry, he finally responded by tensing his body and breathing deeper. I observed his wrinkled forehead and narrowed eyes, a concentrated expression was plastered on his face. Maybe he was contemplating whether he wanted to tell me the reason to the scene in the kitchen or not, well, obviously he was. Whatever his mind was conjuring up right now, I was desperate to find out.

"No," he spoke at last, without looking at me, his voice sincere.

What? If that was the only thing he could come up with then I was seriously done with him. Because he couldn't just pull of all of that shit downstairs and then make me follow him upstairs to give me nothing. Nothing at all.

"No? Aha, I see." The soberness in my voice was evident since I didn't even attempt to hide it. I was truly deflated by his answer because, honestly, I expected so much more. Harry didn't turn to me or anything, he simply remained seated on his bed, staring intensly at the floor, his feet, whatever.

"Cool then. I guess there's nothing else to say. But I got time." It was true, I had nothing better to do anyways. At least I could spend my time conveniently by waiting and trying to convince Harry to explain his damn confusing little act in the kitchen. If necessary, I had all day and probably also all night.

Given the fact that we lived in the same household, I could bug him until the day he moved out which wasn't likely to be any time soon. Childlishly, I settled myself deeper in Harry's blankets and shimmied my bum into them. That may sound weird but it really wasn't. I was only getting a little comfortable and Harry didn't exactly acknowledge me.

"Please, leave," he sighed irritated without raising his voice much.

Okay, after my generous offer he just blew me off like that. Not very nice or grateful. It got me thinking if he was even aware of the things that had happened again because evidently he didn't grasp the extent of the situation. I mean, it was kinda creepy when some rather random guy does that to another guy even though they're not gay or apparently hate each other. Well.

"Don't you realize that we have to talk about this. This is nothing we can just brush off like nothing and move on from without explaining or anything. It's important. You can't walk away again, I won't allow that." Slowly, Harry stood up and approached the door and completely ignoring what I had just told him.

For a second, I thought he was going to do exactly what I told him not to which was walking away but he only opened it and motioned outside. He wanted me to leave.

"What?" I shook my head, was he for real?

"I asked you to leave," Harry clearified as if I hadn't understood. Then again, I did ask him what he was doing.

"I'm not going to," I stood my point and raised myself from the comfy cushions. To exaggerate my point further I crossed my arms over my chest. He couldn't seriously mean for me to leave after freaking getting off on me. This was so important, after all those years this was probably the most important thing that had ever happened. But Harry's stubbornness ruined any chances of talking about it.

"Then I'll make you," Harry threatened, "Go," he added.

"You're acting just like you did before. I see you haven't changed. My bad, I guess," I mumbled the last words sadly and I perceived that Harry slumped his shoulders at them.

I wanted to talk about the things that had taken place earlier, I really did, badly, but at the same time I didn't want to deal with this non-cooperating Harry anymore. Sure, I had said that I would have time for this but that wasn't when Harry basically kicked me out of his room. That made me realise that I had in fact never really been in his room before, except for that one time were I basically sneaked into it without his permission and him being here but that didn't count.

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