Chapter 20 - "Groovy from head to toe."

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Louis' POV

They had spent the entire day at the pool, enjoying the refreshing splash of cool water against their heated bodies and drying off in the afternoon sun with delicious cold smoothies. Mostly, they remained silent during their activities, but, regardless, it was nice. Even though easing the tension would've been wonderful.

Four days had passed since then and they'd managed. Of course they weren't quite friends, but they were something. Harry and Louis went to school together and departed as soon as they stepped inside, occasionally crossing each others' paths, yet only acknowledging the other with silent glances. After school they'd both be home but, most of the time, Louis was in his room while Harry was somewhere else in the mansion. Harry's recurring nocturnal ritual of playing music had actually become one of Louis' favorite nighttime occurrences.

Zayn had been around again finally. He had visited one day after school and he and Louis had successfully avoided any topics involving Harry or this shady Nobbie guy. It was mostly on Zayn's behalf to not reveal anything to Louis and Louis tagged along with pleasure.

Louis was standing outside his room, inspecting his surroundings with boredom, when a colourful picture frame caught his eye. It sat right next to a crystal vase that diplayed bright pink tulips and both items were placed on a dark wooden dresser in the hallway.

The frame must've been crafted by a child, six years at most, and the framework was a simple light timber that had been decorated with several maccheronis which had been painted in different individual colours. At the top, a name had been written in big unprecise handwriting. The capital letters spelt out 'Harry'.

No offense to the owner of this extraordinary picture frame, but, in all honesty, it was hideous. It wasn't hard to determine the producer of said frame and hopefully, Harry'd have a heart and destroy the shattering evidence of his inability as a child. His mum, though, was just that kind of mother that was proud of their child no matter how talentless and despondent their child's skill in succeding in the task of life was. To her, the frame was beautiful, Louis assumed. In reality though, it wasn't.

The disputable piece of art contained a printed picture of a wet Harry, a wet Louis, and endless shades of blue that Louis identified as the pool. Their faces were turned towards the lense and Harry's expression was one of surprise while Louis' was undecipherable. No, she didn't actually-

"Anne?!" Louis screamed and scurried down the stairs. He'd seen her in the living room last.

"Yes, dear?" Her soft voice responded and she peeked at Louis from the teen pop magazine she was indulged in.

"Do you-did you seriously frame the picture you took of Harry and I? And put it next to our rooms for everyone to see? Because if you did, it's not cool. Definitely not cool," Louis rambled furiously.

"Love, it's not like I didn't warn you. I told you I'd frame it, remember? I figured that it was a moment that should never be forgotten. Don't you like the frame I picked? It's one of Harry's earlier works. Not that he'd had much," she said with a slight gleam of excitement shinning in her eyes.

"I cannot believe you are an adult. Take it away, please." Louis was baffled at Anne's actions. She seemed more like an overly obsessed teenage girl than a middle aged parent to him.

"I'm sorry, honey, but it's a beautiful picture and a beautiful memory. Whenever you and Harry fight and you want to reminisce, then just look at that picture. It'll lighten your mood instantly." This women drove Louis insane sometimes, she was so weird and so, so different from his dad.

"Yeah, I don't think so...what are you reading anyways? Isn't that for teenagers?" Suddenly, he had become very aware of her current reading. TeenPop magazine.

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