Chapter 13 - "Harry needed a hug? I'd give him a hug."

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Louis' POV

Still trapped against the wall, my head started spinning. The possibilities of espacially Harry's reaction were endless and I had no clue of what to expect. As of now, Harry seemed pretty calm, apart from his gradually slowing heartbeat from our prior actions, but that didn't mean he couldn't go off like a bomb any second.

I tried estimating the situation without freaking out while having Harry impossibly close. I didn't know what he expected me to do or if he even wanted me to do anything yet, but after all he had brought us into this mess, so he couldn't blame me for this.

My mind desperately tried to focus on the fact that our previous events were mainly initiated by Harry and I had just somehow tagged along. Well, that was what I tried to tell myself. Obviously I must have enjoyed it at some point but I wasn't quite ready to think about that. Maybe I should give myself some thinking time later where I kind of sit on my bed and just think. You know, when you like blankly stare at the wall and let your mind wander to places you've never even dreamt of. But that just seems weird and that's probably something crazy people do, or people who are insanely stressed so that they need some extra time to just think. I never thought about that before, perhaps I should give the planned thinking time a try?

Moving on. There were definitely more crucial things I had to worry about. For example, the confusing boy who had currently situated his head in the crook of my neck and his arms wound around my waist tightly. Surprised, I realized I had yet to let go of his shirt, considering my knuckles were white and my hands felt numb. Who knew how much had gone by since we'd entered the kitchen and how long we'd been only standing there now.

Hesistantly, I loosened my grip and let the fabric slip through my fingers, laying my palm flat against Harry stomach. He immediately tensed the muscles beneath his shirt and I felt them through the thin fabric.

I bet he was just as terrified as me, bracing himself for whatever storm was to come but I didn't do anything. To me his intentions were shady, there was no reasonable explanation behind his actions.

Well, there was one but I couldn't allow myself to even think of that. Not even Harry could stoop that low just to hurt me, could he? I knew that beneath all his tough behaviour towards me there was this guy that actually cared about people, even if it was someone like me who he supposedly despised. Then again, how could I really know that? I've made the mistake of thinking Harry was someone else before, too, and I knew where it got me. Call me gullible but there was this small sliver of hope inside of me that Harry did feel bad after all and that he learned from it. That he wouldn't repeat it.

Carefully, Harry wound his arms further around my body, hugging me to his chest. This was an actual embrace and it came out of nowhere, ripping me out of my intense thinking and snapping me back to the real world. I hardly had time to react so I basically just awkwardly stood there and let him do his thing. He practically lifted me off the floor and crushed my ribcage but I didn't mind. If Harry needed a hug I'd give him a hug.

Eventually, he withdrew his arms and increased the distance between us until we lost all physical contact aside from my hands on his stomach that had followed his movements. My fingertips lightly grazed his stomach one last time before I retracted my touch completely. Reluctantly, my eyes met his blazing green ones but he quickly averted his gaze to the ground as if he was ashamed.

"Sorry," he whispered breathily and barely audible. Before I could even respond, Harry showed me his back after looking at me one last time and then left the kitchen in quick strides.

I didn't know what that was for, but assuming he was apologizing for his previous actions, I found it didn't make any sense.

What was that even, hadn't he been here and witnessed what had happened. Because that had been one of the greater shit that had ever went down in this mansion. Also, if he didn't know what had happened that would mean he had some kind of disorder or maybe suffered from memory loss and if so, I had to definitely check up on that with him. But if he had been there, and he had, and if he had known what we did, well, what he had initiated in the first place, then he couldn't just leave me dumbfounded in the kitchen.

He made me confused and bewildered and I was left thinking about his actions once again. Honestly, I was sick of having to analyze his every move because he was just so confusing and tended to leave me with no explanation at all. Then I only began to realize how fed up I was with him. How incredibly annoyed I was by him. How could he even have the audacity to say he hated me, then practically dry hump me in the kitchen and then leave me with a simple 'sorry', especially since he knew exactly how that would affect me.

How dare he.

In complete rage, I decided to confront Harry, he wasn't going to ignore me this time, he would talk to me about it and not act if it never even happened.

I speed walked out of the kitchen passing the maids, sprinted up the stairs of the mansion and straight to his room. I was like a bomb, ready to explode.

Without any warning, I burst into his room, ripping his door open so hard that it crashed into the wall. Hopefully, it didn't crack the paint but really I didn't care. Harry sat infront of me in the middle of his room on his bed, his figure stiff and with worried eyes.

"What the fuck?!" I shouted at the top of my lungs. My voice boomed and a passing maid shrieked at the loudness, although she was polite enough to walk by and leave us privacy.

"What?" Harry squeaked and jumped up from his seated position on his bed. His eyes grew wide and he held his hands out in front of him to protect himself. It wasn't like I was going to hit him but if I were him I'd be scared too. If he didn't have a hella good explanation for this, it wouldn't end well, not for him and not for me.

"You keep on doing that! But you know what, I've had enough of it. You constantly play with me and you know it. You know exactly what you're doing and I'm not having it. Not anymore. What are you even getting out of this? My humiliation? Is that what you want? To humiliate me? Well, good job then but this is just ridiculous. I've taken care of you so many times now and every time you're just spurning my kindness and it's pissing me off. Because you don't deserve any of it, not now, not then, not ever," I took a deep breath before I continued, "Who do you think you are doing that shit back downstairs after all that has happened, what you've put me through? I haven't forgotten any of it and neither have you. That just makes this so much worse. God, I can't believe that even happened just now. Why did you do that? Why?" I ranted on and on but Harry didn't even blink. His expression was blank as if he saw right through me, as if I didn't even exist. He couldn't even be bothered to answer me and I grew more frustrated by the second.

"Really now? Come on, you can't just fucking stand there like the shit you are! Urgh, just tell me why. Tell me why, please. I need to know 'cause I feel like I'm fucking stupid right now and it's only because of you. I need answers, Harry. You can't just go back to being like before, not after that," I yelled at him. Impatiently, I waited for Harry to respond but he didn't. In fact, he turned away from me and sat down on his bed silently.

"Wow. Just wow. You got some nerve. How can you even touch me like that? How dare you?" I was faced with the back of Harry's head only and I couldn't even begin to fathom how he could be so disrespectful. Also was I painfully aware of the wet stain in my boxers, a stupid reminder of what had brought me here. I felt uncomfortable and dirty, not to forget, used.

"Answer me, goddamnit!" I rose my voice again but I didn't get any reaction out of him. So I decided to change tactics. Breathing in deeply to calm myself, I made my way to Harry's bed and cautiously sat down next to him. He lifted his head to watch me and as soon as I was sitting securely next to him, he dropped his gaze again.

There was still a remarkable distance between us, but I reduced it gradually by slowly moving closer every few seconds. Harry noticed but he didn't comment or showed that he acknowledged it in any form. Finally, our shoulders bumped and I imitated Harry by folding my hands on my lap just like he did.

"Tell me," I said softly. My patience was wearing thin.



Oh my god, this is like the shortest chapter ever but this is only like the first half of it so the next chapter is going to be up soon anyway.

Dedication goes to LarryNarryZarryHarry ! You're comment was hilarious. I love you and thank you and GOD I want to dedicate this chapter to so many people but sadly I can only tag one :( So THANK YOU EVERYONE ELSE as well.

calukeashmikey5 you are.. just THANK YOU SO MUCH!

Tell us what you think about their history please, best one get's the dedication !

Lots of love .x

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