seven. don't mess with mama bear

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"LES JURO POR LA VIRGEN, I'M ABOUT TO KILL A BISH!" Miriam's enraged voice boomed as she enters the kitchen, everybody turns to look at her with confusion.

"Uh, it's biTCH. T-C-H. " Pauline, another teenager that works in this amazing place corrected Miriam. "Not, s-h. Just saying."

I frown while simultaneously drying my hands with the washcloth, I stood beside Escobar while the rest of the kitchen crew gather around the metallic table. Miriam stood in front of me, her tray was neatly placed on the table with the food that was supposed to be the client's dinner.

"Yah, that's what I said." Miriam sassed, she shakes her hand in dismissal. "Esa cabrona racista, just insulted me for not being a gringa. She called me india and besides that, she proceeded to say that the food here is horrendous and smells like feet!"

"The right term would be Mexicans or pre-Hispanic, that woman knows nothing about history." Escobar shook his head in pure disappointment, I looked at everybody's faces and I knew what was about to happen.

"Uh oh, don't tell me she broke the cardinal rule?" I ask, my voice coming out wary.

Jefferson turn to look at me and gave me a serious look, "Mira chavala, what would you do if someone comes to your home and begins to insult every single thing you own and then calls you india and tells you you've got no right to come to North America. How would you feel?"

Everybody turn to look at me as I analyzed Jefferson's question, I knew he was right and I have experimented first-hand a few racist moments when I was in middle school. This is part of why I decided to learn how to fight, because whoever made fun of me for being born in Honduras I will surely partirle la madre.

"Of course, I side with you guys, but won't that sabotage the restaurant's reputation? If we treat a client badly, I am most certain she'll be glad to spread the word." I reasoned with them, I was not against getting some revenge for the way she treated Miriam but I also don't want the restaurant to get sued.

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