An Update

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Hey all, I'm not dead, there's just a tonne of stuff that's happened.

I've just finished a massive college project, which I've been dedicating a lot of my time to, hence why I haven't been writing as much. But it's done yayyyy!!! 🥰🥰

I did start to write the next chapter of this fic, a few weeks ago, and my brain did a Windows blue error screen, because it was so focused on college stuff. 🤣

Amongst all the college chaos, though, I was hospitalised for physical health issues (this part might be quite triggering for some, so please read with caution. It involves emotional distress and mental health struggles) and I had a really traumatic time, I was placed on the wrong ward, and my physical health wasn't handled well and my mental health was completely neglected. I was left in hysterical, emotional distress, for an hour. I was lying there, crying, shaking, whimpering and hyperventilating. This still really effects me, weeks later.

I was really shaken when I got out and spent a few days just doing nothing, recovering.

I have shouted about this a lot online, because the way I was treated has left me with a lot of emotional scars and I think it needs attention drawn to it, so it doesn't happen to other patients in the future. I understand completely that the staff is very stretched and works so hard, but it's still not ok for a patient to be treated like this. They didn't even read my notes.

I wanted to write about my experience here, because hospitals and mental health mistreatment are big things in this story, but also because On Trial has attracted so many, amazing people that it can make a difference. ❤️

I'm doing much better than I was, and now with my college work done, I can start writing again!

I have been working on my comic when I've had time, so if any of you are interested in reading that, while you're waiting for the next chapters of my fics, the link is here:

I will update the Tangled After Ever After book soon!

Thank you all for you support, I will be replying to all your comments very soon and will be getting back to writing in the near future 😊

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