Captain, no more

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I had loads of free time at college today and I used it to write this chapter 😅

"Where's Captain Eugene?!" King Fredric growled, at a group of guards, who were supposed to on their way to dinner break.

"He went to see Cassandra. Apparently, she's unwell," Thomas, one of the younger guards replied, "That's all I know, Your Majesty."

The king didn't even thank them, he just stormed off, leaving the group bewildered.

"What's up with him?" Rupert, the second youngest, replied.

"I don't know, he's been like it since the attack, not even Princess Rapunzel can get through to him." Charlie, the oldest, whispered to his colleagues.

"Hey! What are you boys doing, gossiping like a bunch of handmaidens?!"

The men turned to see Old Lady Crowley standing in front of them, wearing her usual scowl.

"Nothing Mrs Crowley!" They said in unison, before scuttling away. The last thing they needed was to be yelled at by her.

Cassandra's room was getting a little too crowded, for Eugene's liking. He was scared that she was going to get overwhelmed, which wouldn't do her any good, since she was already very distressed.

Word had spread about a medic being called for Cassandra, again, inevitably beckoned, a worried Rapunzel, Lance and Harold into her bedroom.

Rapunzel was being her usual sweet self, rallying around, collecting pillows, blankets and even stuffed animals, to comfort her best friend, Harold was sitting by her bed, her hand in his, asking her a bunch of questions, clearly very frantic, Lance was panicking, as always, and then there was that darned medic.

Unfortunately, Doctor Jones, wasn't available, his schedule packed to the brim, so poor Cass was stuck with Doctor Percy, who clearly hadn't slept in weeks. He had dark rings underneath his baggy eyes, and kept yawning into his palm every few minutes.

"Captain Eugene!" Stan suddenly called, poking his head around the door, "His Majesty needs to talk to you, it's urgent!"

Rapunzel looked up from smoothing a blanket over her friend's form, to give her boyfriend a puzzled glare. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed Cassandra freeze and Harold tightening his grip on her hand.

"He's not taking her out of here." He growled.

"I won't let him, it'll be fine." He tried to reassure them, "I'll be right back."

Eugene drew a deep breath, as he left the room. He was hoping, praying, that it was nothing to do with Cassandra. She was going through enough already.

"Captain," his future father-in-law greeted, coldly, "come into the throne room, I need to speak to you."

"She went into shock," Doctor Percy informed everyone, "which I don't think is anything serious. You just need...."

He stopped to yawn, throwing his hand up to his mouth.

"...Excuse me. You just need to stick by her, as much as you can and make sure that..."

Another side-splitting yawn. Harold held in an annoyed groan.

"....Excuse just need to make sure that she remains calm and happy."

"Oh yeah, because she has so much to be happy about!" Harold snapped, taking everyone in the room, jump, "in case no one's told you, already, she was manipulated and controlled to hurt her friends and family, as well as, attack her home, she's been trapped in a dark room, alone, for weeks, she was threatened and abused by the palace guards, and now she's having nightmares, that are causing her to scream until she goes blue, of course that's something serious!"

The medic opened his mouth to say something, but Harold put his hand up to silence him.

"I'm not done!" He yelled, "And, on top of all of that, she still hasn't had a trial yet! So, you tell me, good Sir, what has she got to be happy about?!"

The medic stepped back a little, his eyes wide. He wasn't expecting the former captain to react like that.

Cassandra would've smiled, if she didn't feel so distressed. No one could handle her dad, when he was in a temper, especially when that temper was about his daughter and her safety.

She glanced at Rapunzel, who looked shocked out his outburst, but was visibly trying to hide a proud grin.

Lance was in the corner, biting his nails, looking anxiously from one man, to the other.

"Well," the medic breathed, picking up his briefcase, "I'm afraid, that there is nothing else I can suggest. Good day."

He turned back to Rapunzel, bowed and then stormed out of the room, slamming the door.

"Don't go after him." Rapunzel warned, grabbing Harold's shoulder as his face turned an angry crimson.

"I'll try not to."

Eugene felt a chill go down his spine, as he entered the large, empty room. Since it was evening, the sky was getting dark, meaning that the only light was provided by a few candles.

"What's wrong, Your Majesty?" He asked.

"I thought you would've figured that out."

Eugene frowned, as the King took his place on the throne.

"What are you talking about?"

"Eugene, you're the man I respect the most. You brought my daughter home to me, after eighteen long years." The King sighed, "but if you continue to have empathy for an ungrateful, evil brat, who tried to kill that same daughter and destroy my kingdom, I will lose every bit of that trust!"

Eugene was dumbfounded. He didn't know what to say. The King's words were like arrows piercing his heart, so much so, that he barely heard the words that followed.

"You're fired from your position. You are a Captain, no more."

Poor Eugene ☹️.

Thank you guys so much, as always for all the love and support this story has been given!!!! 💖💖💖💖

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