Chapter 6

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Giovanni Liotti

Yesterday I was fully with her. With that raven haired woman that hadn't left my mind since the day I saw her for the first time at the cafe. There was only one complaint I had, that was the annoying ass men, I unfortunately called friends. Something I realized yesterday, it was how cutely Marina blushed the whole time we were at Victoria's Secret. It was fucking adorable.

I got out of the shower and changed into something simple, as today I didn't have to do anything important. I went down and saw Caeli with her headphones on, drawing on her notebook. I tapped on her shoulder. She turned around and smiled at me, then went back to her notebook. "Don't you have anything to do today?" I asked her, knowing she didn't have music on.

"Yes," she nodded rapidly, then stared at a spot on the wall, narrowing her eyes. I threw an apple hitting her square on her forehead. "Ow, idiot."

"You were saying something."

"I don't remember." She said, while rubbing her forehead.

"I'm leaving. If you need anything, call me." I kissed her forehead, and finished my coffee.

"Are you going to see that mysterious girlfriend of yours?" She asked, getting excited. I loved how she always gets super hyper when this stuff comes up.

"She is not my girlfriend." I grabbed my jacket.

"Right." She rolled her eyes, going back to her notebook.

I grabbed the keys of my car and got down to the garage, starting the car. I drove through the streets of Chicago. Why was it my heart beating so fast? I didn't know why, but thinking about this girl got me this kind of emotion. I had never been so nervous about anything.

I shook the feeling off, and continued driving, while trying not to think of that girl.

Concentrate, Giovanni. You had a big hit tonight.

I arrived at the shop, knowing she would be there. What the actual fuck? I opened the door, making the bell sound. I looked around and I only saw a girl with pink hair. I thought her name was Liz. She looked up and smiled. "Hey. Welcome." I looked at her. "Marina is on a small break." She wiggled her eyebrows. "If you want to see her, she is at the exit store." She pointed at the exit, going through the kitchen.

"Thank you." I felt my cheek getting a little warm.

I walked fast through the small shop, seeing Mike baking fast in the kitchen. I opened the door and looked around, to find her. I frowned and took it a step further. Then, I found her, curled up behind the big trash container, with a thick book in her hands. I cleared my throat and she rapidly looked up. When she saw me, a small smile broke on her face.

"Hi." She said, closing her book.

"Hey," I got closer, putting my hands in my pockets. "What were you reading?"

"It's a book Liz gave me the other day, and I'm actually liking it." She stood up. The top of her head barely touched my shoulder. She was so cute.

"What is it about?" I asked, wanting to hear her sweet voice.

"Oh, it's about fantasy. You know fairies." She smiled. I hummed in response. "I have to go inside, so that my break has ended." She said looking at my watch. "Have you eaten breakfast?" She asked, walking inside the shop.

"I just had a coffee." I answered, walking behind her.

"Do you want something?" She put her apron on.

"Only if you serve it." I smirked, when I saw a faint blush in her cheeks, before she turned around. "A croissant and a black coffee, please."

She served it to me and then started cleaning the counter. Some clients started coming in.

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