Chapter 13

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Marina Vettle

I woke way too fucking early, as always. I got changed to my usual, slow morning pace, and had some food Giovanni insisted on buying for me. I didn't like him buying things for me, for two reasons: one, I felt bad - like I said multiple times, but he brushed them off - and number two, he sometimes reminded me I never had this kind of affection from anyone in my surrounding - my parents. Being taken care of.

I braided my long hair into two french braids. Bending down, so my arms could rest for a while on the side of the sink. I continued braiding, taking several rests, as it was very tiring to braid long hair.

I chose some baggy black jeans, with a white top, and an oversized sweater he gave me some weeks ago when he brought me back home from work, and he saw I was cold. I put on the necklace he gifted me during our dinner. It was composed of three golden chains, with one shorter, and a bit thicker than the others, the second one was connected to the first one, and then the third one, which was a longer chain with a circular pendant hanging from it. Nothing too showy, but elegant.

After having a fruit, as I wasn't hungrier than that, I grabbed my keys, and not forgetting my phone, I walked out of the hospital. I looked to my right, and saw Mrs. Wilson's door. She got out of the hospital some weeks ago. I went to visit her every day she was allowed to receive visits. Her daughter decided she would be staying with her, and her husband until they saw she was ok, so her apartment right now was empty.

I walked down the stairs, and as always, I brought my jacket closer, but this time the jacket I was wearing did bring warmth to my body. It was yet another thing Giovanni insisted on buying. With the sound of my shoes, I walked fast through the empty, yet full streets. I felt someone observing me, so I sped up my walk even more. Thankfully the cafe was close by, so I almost ran.

I opened the back door, and saw Chris, which I hadn't seen in a while, and Mike. "Hello." I walked to him, and hugged him, as always. "It's been a long time since the last time I saw you. What have you been up to?" I asked, washing my hands, after greeting Mike.

"Hello, Marina." He smiled, also washing his hands. "Well, first it was a family thing I had. And do you remember that I had another job?" He asked. I nodded. "Well, I got into it, and it was going to take longer, so I talked to Dolly, and she gave me some days off." He explained.

"Ah. Interesting." I nodded.

"Yep." He nodded. "I heard you had a date with Giovanni some days ago." He raised his eyebrows. "How was it?" He asked. "Did you enjoy yourself?"

"It was wonderful." I smiled, remembering the date. "He took me to the fanciest restaurant in Chicago, on the outside of the city. And then we went to his house." I explained. "Well, his villa. He has three - no, four fucking mansions. And he showed them to me, as if they were nothing." I exclaimed, making him chuckle. "Have you been there?" I asked. I learned during the dinner that Chris, and Giovanni knew each other for a long time.

"I have." He smiled. "I had a similar reaction as yours, so don't worry." He chuckled.


We opened around three hours ago, and the morning had gone as normal. Hearing the doorbell ring, meaning someone had entered the shop. I closed my book, putting it in a safe place so it didn't get dirty. "Hello. Welcome to Dolly's Bakery. What can I get you?" I said automatically. I turned around and found a pair of familiar green eyes.

"Hello Tesoro." He smirked.

"Hello, Gio." I smiled, relaxing my shoulder after hearing his voice. I started preparing his usual, while he sat down in his usual stall. I got the coffee, and turned around. He looked different. Nervous - more like stressed. "Are you ok?" I asked, placing the coffee cup down in front of him.

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