Chapter 17

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Marina Vettle

I started moving around the cozy bed of the hotel. I groaned, trying to open my eyes, but the light made it impossible. I rolled around the bed, trying to find a muscular, handsome guy somewhere to be found. But the only thing I found was a sore sensation between my legs.

When I finally was able to open my eyes, I looked where Giovanni fell asleep after we got out of the shower last night, but I found it empty. I clutched the fluffy duvet against my chest, and sat right up. I looked around the room, with my eyes half open, and I saw it was empty. I stood up, grabbed Giovanni's shirt, and put it on. Walking around the huge room, I found a wall, which turned to lead to a small living room, with a small table, a couch, and a normal table, which right then was full of delicious looking food.

"Hi." I greeted, but my smile turned into a frown, when I saw him very concentrated on his laptop, typing on it like crazy. "Oh, I didn't know you had work to do." I started picking on the skin of my hand. "Do you need to leave back to Chicago?" I asked, not wanting to interfere with his job.

"Not at all, Tesoro." He took his eyes off the screen of his laptop smiling at me. "I was just finishing. And the moment you came in, I sent the last thing so now, I'm all yours." He closed the laptop, and walked to me. "Good morning, Tesoro." He bent down to kiss me on the lips. "How did you sleep last night?" He asked, brushing his warm hands all over my back.

"I slept really well, actually." I smiled at him. "You are a very comfortable pillow, you know?" I teased him, resting my head on his chest. "The only thing I can complain about, is that I'm a little bit sore, but I guess that is like a positive complaint." I lifted my head off his chest.

"I guess that is my doing, Tesoro." He smirked down at me. "But you are right, it is a positive complaint, because it means I did my job well." He winked at me. "Oh, I called the servers, and they brought breakfast up here." He explained, when he saw me eyeing the table full of delicious food. "And as always, but now you really need to get all the energies back since last night was consuming, and we will not stand up until you have a good amount of food, so you can get until lunch, without being hungry." He said, making me roll my eyes. "Don't roll your eyes at me, I'm being very serious, Marina." He grabbed my hand, and walked to the table. Up close, it looked even better, and smelt like freaking heaven this food.

We sat down, enjoying in comfortable silence the amazing breakfast they brought us up here. I was still trying to process that Giovanni was the owner of this hotel, and many more. I knew he was rich, but damn, not this kind of rich. I thought he worked for a very good paying company. But I was not going to be complaining about his wealth, but what I knew for sure was that I would not take advantage of it. I liked him for who he was, and how he treated me, not because of his money, or his luxuris.

I grabbed one of the fruit bowls, and scooped one spoon in my plate, and when I was about to put it down, Giovanni took it from my hands, and poured more fruit on my plate. I rolled my eyes, while enjoying the sweetness of some pieces, and the bitterness of others. And when I was done, I saw there were toasts, and butter, so I spread the butter through the crunchy bread, and then poured sugar over it. I took a bite, and closed my eyes, enjoying the amazing taste of the sugar, in contrast to the coffee I took a zip of before.

I opened my eyes, and saw Giovanni was looking at me, while I munched on the food, with a small smile on his face. "Stop looking at me like that." I said. "I don't like eating with people looking at me." And the second the words left my mouth, his eyes left mine.

"As long as you are eating, I don't care what sacrifices I have to make." He sighed, as if it was the biggest sacrifice in the world, to stop looking at me. We finished eating, and he called the service once again, and they quickly took the food out of the room. He grabbed my hands, and pulled me against his chest. He kissed the top of my head, and with his arms all around my waist, he turned me around, and walked - directing me, with my legs between his - to the sofa. Lying down, he pulled me on his chest. I placed my chin on his chest, and looked at him. He brushed my hair behind my ear. "You are beautiful." He said, looking at my eyes.

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