Chapter 16

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Marina Vettle

And once again we walked out of another amazing date. It was wonderful to be able to watch the views of the cold New York city, while I had dinner with the most handsome man I had ever seen in my life. I honestly didn't know what to look at, if the views to my left, or the ones in front of me.

I pulled my coat close to my body as we walked out of the hotel. Giovanni took his hand off my hold, and draped his strong arm over my shoulder, pulling me closer to his warm body. I laid my head on his side, and he kissed the top of my head.

"So," he broke the silence. "I reserved a room in a hotel two streets down, so we don't have to fly back to Chicago until tomorrow." He looked at me. "The thing is," he interruptsçed me before I could object. "The hotel is two streets down walking. What do you prefer, to walk to the hotel, or do you want me to call my driver so he can give us a lift to the hotel?" He asked, as we stopped in front of the road.

"Are you serious?" I asked in disbelief. "Did you really reserve a room for a date with me?" I asked.

"Oh, Tesoro, if you knew the things I would do for you, you would get frozen." He kissed my lips. "But, yes, I did make a reservation for us in a hotel." He nodded. "Now, what do you want? Walking or by car?" He asked once again.

"I guess walking." I shrugged. "I would like to see how it's the city. Well, I mean the two streets we are going to walk." I giggled


"Ok, then. Let's go." He looked at me with lustful eyes, while draping his arm over my shoulders like he was doing when we came out of the hotel. We walked around the streets, and I was looking around, seeing how the snow was starting to stick into the street, and how people at this time of the night were still rushing. I saw rats. Like too many. And people had told me that New York smelled really bad, but the only thing I could smell was the cologne of the amazing man I had next to me. "Do you see that building?" Giovanni spoke, taking me out of my own thoughts. I nodded, as I looked at what he was pointing at. "That is the hotel we are staying at." He informed me.

I looked at the tall building, and it was beautiful, very well taken care of. I looked at the name, and it made me stop. Liotti's. "Giovanni?" I asked, as I stopped my tracks. He hummed, looking down at me worried, stopping as well. "Do you own this hotel?" I asked him.

He narrowed his eyes for a bit, and looked at the sign with his surname I was still looking at. He chuckled. "Yes, Tesoro, I own this hotel, and many others of this firm around the world." He brushed a piece of hair which fell on my face.

"Are you fucking serious?" I was speechless. He nodded, with a smirk on his gorgeous face. He pulled me closer to his body by my waist, and kissed my neck. "What else do you own?" I asked, before I sighed feeling his soft lips on my skin.

"Do you remember the restaurant I took you to the first night I had to pick you up?" He asked. I nodded. "I, well, actually that is not only mine, it's a family business, but I own part of it." He smirked at my face. "Nothing important." He pulled me closer to him, by the hold on my hips. "Let's go inside before you get a cold." He said.

We walked inside of the hotel's lobby, and the inside just screamed luxury. Money. I looked around and saw the tall ceilings, with golden touches, such as golden lamps hanging from the top, and their white walls give out peace. It didn't have much, just some couches on the sides, and some small coffee tables.

Giovanni pulled me to him by the hold he had on my hand. He walked up to the receptionist, and waited until we were together. He turned to her. "Liotti." He blurted out. I saw the young girl tense up, and she immediately started typing on the computer.

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