Chapter 41

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Marina Vettle

"So, you are telling me we are flying to Rome. You will show it to me, and after we get back, that is when I get to meet your family?" I asked, feeling nervous.

"Yes, that is what I said the last two times you asked." He smiled. "You need to relax," he brushed a piece of hair that fell on my hair. "They already love you." He smiled. "You know my dad, and my siblings. And the rest are just like that." He kissed my forehead. "All I can warn you is affection. Italians are very affectionate." He explained.

"Yeah, I know that. I'm with you." I smirked.

"Oh, no." He shook his head. "They are the kind that are always kissing you, but aside from that they are very touchy. Especially my grandma." He sighed. "But you don't need to worry about that right now. Now just put on something light and comfortable, and we will leave for Rome, which is where I studied by the way." He explained.

I nodded, as the car slowed down in front of a massive gate. The driver turned around, looking at Giovanni. I nudged Giovanni, who was looking down to his phone. "What?" He asked, looking me in the eyes. I pointed with my hand at the driver. "Oh, right. Sette, tre, nove, zero." He said, before hugging my waist and pulling me closer to him.

The gate's door started to slowly open, revealing a huge mansion behind it. The cypress trees opened to reveal the estate. The car rolled towards the house, rounding around a fountain, which was placed in the center of the path, and it had a sculpture on it. I stepped out of the car, and my mouth fell on the floor after seeing the light stone façede of the house. It had massive windows all over the front line. The door was right on the center, and it had two sculptures on each side.

"Are you ok, Tesoro?" Giovanni asked, while walking around the car, stopping beside me. Pulling me closer to him, he kissed the top of my head. "Do you like it?" He asked. I nodded, still being speechless. "This house is two hundred and fifty years old." He explained. "Let me show you the interior, and after that we leave." He said. "If you want to." He grabbed my hand, pulling me.

We started walking towards the mansion, and my head couldn't comprehend that whole situation. The property was surrounded by tall trees, engulfing the historical architecture with nature in a way that seemed almost poetic. The mansion had an elaborate sculpture façade, arched windows and towering pillars with greenery crawling its way up the side.

I trailed behind him, nearly slamming myself into his back with how distracted I was by the elegance of the foyer. The room was well over two stories tall. Arched windows covered the walls, leaving the space filled with natural light. White marble flooring fed into the staircase that skirted the front of the room.

"Do you like it, Tesoro?" Giovanni asked.

"I honestly don't know what to say." I said, looking up at him. "This is beautiful." I smiled.

"Well, this is just the beginning." He kissed my forehead. "Come along."

Giovanni began trekking up the next floor as I followed behind, my eyes still looking around, as we walked, almost tripping over a step. I held myself onto Giovanni's t-shirt. "Sorry. Sorry." I catched my breath.

"Come on." He moved me in front of him, so I wouldn't fall again.

While walking the last steps, my eyes for caught by a painting hanging on the wall. It was Giovanni and another girl.

"Gio?" I called out for him. He stopped and turned around. "Who was she?" I asked bluntly.

He took a deep breath, and placed his hand on my lower back. "That was my twin sister." He smiled, looking up at the painting. They did look alike. They had the same green eyes, and same dark, long lashes. "She was murdered by the Russians when we were eighteen." He explained. "That is why I care so much about my family." He kissed the top of my head.

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