Chapter 35

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Marina Vettle

Walking out of the activity, I walked to the closed dining doors, where Sarah, Marie and Alex were already waiting. When they saw me, they all waved at me to walk to them. When the doors opened, we walked to the line, and I was given a different meal, but similar. It was a tray, with smaller portions of food, but more portions. It was also organized, which gave me some kind of peace while eating. It made it look like it was less because of the way it was plated, but I knew it was the same amount.

I had the first spoon full of the rice that was served, and to my surprise, it tasted better than the normal food.

"So, how was your first appointment with Doctor Lee?" Marie asked me, while we ate.

"It was really good, actually." I nodded. "It was eye opening, and it helped me realize where all my problems started." I explained, as I continued eating slowly, while they all had finished. Something that had been happening since I came here the first day, was that they all ate faster, but they all waited for me to finish my food, and didn't pressure me into eating faster.

As I continued eating, I heard someone standing up abruptly, making the fall back, grabbing everyone's attention from the dining hall. He ran towards the kitchen, and came back running with a very sharp knife in his hands. He started threatening everyone who tried to get closer to him.

He grabbed a boy, who looked around fifteen years old by the t-shirt, and placed the knife against his throat. "If anyone moves, or gets close to me, I will not hesitate to slice his throat." He yelled, while looking around. He was surrounded by guards and nurses, who had sedatives in their hands, so the one who got closer would inject him. "I want you all to do as I tell, and I will let him go." He announced, while he pointed at the people surrounding him with the cooking knife.

"Ok, Marshall," a nurse nodded. "We will do as you tell us, but you need to let go of the kid, and you will get whatever." The nurse said. "There is no need to harm someone innocent to get what you want. So, why don't you let go of him, and we will help you."

"You promise?" He asked, shaking, as he kept the knife against the boy's skin.

"Yes, we do." Another said.

He nodded, and let go of the kid, but he didn't drop the knife. He started turning around, threatening anyone who took a step closer. He pointed the knife at everyone. It stopped when a guard got close enough to him, without making any noise or suspicion to be threatened, so he grabbed the guy, squeezing his wrist, making him drop the knife.

The guy started screaming and yelling, and he tried to get out of the hold of the guards. Three guards were needed to make him stop moving like a fish. "You could have just asked, we could have helped you, Marshall," A nurse said to him, as she approached with a needle in her hands. "Sometimes it's better to use words." She said, before grabbing his arm, with the help of another guard, and injected him with the sedative. They took his limp body out of the dining room, and everyone started eating as normal.

"Welcome to another normal day in a Psychiatric institution." Alex said jokingly.

When I finished we were let out, and the four of us went to our usual spot under a tree, where Marie and I stayed under the Sun, and Alex and Sarah stayed under the shadow of the big tree. We talked about all the new gossip that ran around the places. They told me about new things that happened in the more dangerous levels, telling me that what we saw today happened the same, but multiplied by ten, as most of them were uncontrolled psychopaths, who loved and desired seeing people suffer.

After our free time was over, each one of us had to go to group activities. At that time mine was group therapy, where they joined people with the same, or similar problems as me, and we would talk with a psychologist, and come up with new ways of making it easier for us to get over our addictions.

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