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Marco was just enjoying the peace and quiet away from his brothers in the forest when all of a sudden a wave of conquerors haki came from further in the mountains. Concerned and wondering who would unleash King's haki on a Whitebeard-protected island, Marco starts heading that way to investigate.

Stretching out his observation haki he finds a strong but weakened presence up ahead of him. Just as he senses it the person unleashes a second stronger blast of haki causing Marco to speed up even more especially when he notices the figure trying to run away from him and toward the top of the mountain.

'Heh. Jokes on you pal, I know these mountains like the back of my hand, including that cave your heading for."

Marco thinks with a smirk. Deciding to get there even faster, Marco takes flight and reaches the tops of the trees just as he sees the figure trip and go tumbling right into the mouth of the cave and disappearing within.

Landing just outside of the cave entrance Marco can feel the person trying to suppress their aura and hear them trying to muffle their breathing.

Luffy was officially screwed the person found him, and he was in no state to fight. Taking a deep breath he tries to focus his observation haki on the person at the mouth of the cave to see if it might be someone he recognizes.

'this and and strength.... love and determination...'

Sucking in a sharp breath Luffy's eyes widen in shock.

'It's... It's Marco... Marco was the one chasing me. He knew where I was heading from the start!'

"Whoever you are you should know it's not smart to start trouble on one of Pop's islands yoi!"

"Now why don't you come out of hiding and tell me what you were doing unleashing King's haki in the forest just now hmm?"

Marco said with a hint of warning as he stood waiting with his arms crossed.

Taking a few deep breaths Luffy steps out from behind the wall he was hiding behind but doesn't go any farther than that. Slowly looking up from the floor but keeping his eyes hidden behind his hat he looks at Marco with longing and regret.

'Marco, You look just as strong and fierce as I remember. It's so good to see you alive again.'

Luffy thinks as he stares at Marco silently.

'He's just a kid? How did he get so injured and why is he running around throwing out haki left and right?'

Marco wonders as he narrows his eyes at the kid scanning him from head to toe.

"Boy, what's your name? And why are you so injured?"

"I was injured when I was attacked, and never got treated before escaping here. My name is Monkey D. Luffy. And I'm from 8 years in the future."

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