The Infirmary

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"Alright. Let's get your mate to the infirmary. Those wounds don't look good."

Whitebeard said, looking down on the boy with concern.

This caused Marco to look at the child in his arms in panic. Fearing that he missed something vital. Considering he was a bit distracted, he completely forgot what condition his mate was in.


With wide eyes, Marco swore before running for the infirmary.


Sailors dodged out of the way in a hurry as Marco flew past them. Not stopping even when he ran someone else over.

Many of his brothers and sisters cried out in shock or suprise, as their usually calm and collected first mate, and first division commander shoved them out of the way in his panic driven dash to the infirmary.

Once in the infirmary, Marco quickly sets up a bed growling at any nurse that dares get close. And almost biting one who tried to take over.

When the nurses tried to yell at him and get him to stop, Pop's got there.

"You won't be able to help with this child. I'm sorry, but because of who the boy is, you won't be able to get near the child unless Marco allows it. Marco is in a bit of a territorial state due to the nature of his devil fruit and the fact that the boy is his youngest soulmate. "

When the nurses try to argue, Newgate puts his foot down as their captain.

"THAT IS ENOUGH! There are rules for soulmates for a reason!"

Many of Newgates' daughters looked chastised at this reminder. This not being the first time soulmates were involved and the nurses disagreed.

Slowly, the nurses either left or backed up to stay if Marco needed help.

Finally, being uninterrupted, Marco starts assessing his mate.

Luffy was in really bad shape. With multiple sword wounds all over his arms and legs and the bullet hole in his shoulder. Not to mention the burn spots. And let's not forget about the obvious shackle wounds on his arms or the ring of bruises around his neck. That looked to be in the shape of a hand.

Now that the nurses weren't trying to take over, Marco was much calmer with them being near Luffy and started barking order for them to follow as he got started helping his mate.

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