Meeting Pop's

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Deciding that staying here any longer would be pointless, Marco stands and turns to start heading back down the mountain.

Carefully cradling the boy close to his chest, Marco begins making his way back to the beach where they anchored their ship.

As he gets closer, he can hear his brothers making a racket and knows they are probably on alert due to the two waves of conquerors haki they felt a little while ago.

Thatch is the first one to spot him coming out of the woods with the boy in his arms.

"Marco! What happened? Is he okay?"

"It's a bit complicated. I need to talk to Pop. But first, we need to get the kid treated."

"Right. I can take the kid to the infirmary for you so you can go talk to Pop's."

Thatch said as he reached for the boy in Marco's arms. Only he didn't get very far  because Marco backed away with a low growl, leaving his throat and a scary glare in his eyes as he said.

"No one, but me, is to touch this child. Am I clear?"

With wide eyes and a face of shock, Thatch backs up quickly, nodding.

"Crystal man. No one, but you will touch him. Why are you so protective of him anyway?"

Marco looks down at the kid in his arms. He can see how the child even when unconscious curls closer to him and how he's shaking. Sees just how injured he is, and how even when unconscious still looks weary and tense. And remembers just what this child told him.

"Because. He's my youngest soulmate. And he needs me now more than ever before."

"Wait. You mean he's one of your two soul mates?! What happened to him?!"

"I don't know Thatch. I really don't. But I can promise you this. Whatever else wants to hurt him will have to go through me first, yoi."

"That's a pretty big promise there, my son. Are you sure you can handle it?"

Marco and Thatch spin around in surprise.


With a weary sigh and a bit of trepidation, Marco looks his captin in the eyes and asks.

Huuhh "How much of that did you hear, yoi?"

Guurr! Guurr! Guurr!

"I've been here the entire time, my son.  You were just a little distracted by your little mate there."

"Ya man, you went all momma bird on me!"

"Grrrrrr. I'm. Not. A. Mother. Hen."

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