Navy Head Quarters

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"By the time we got there, the war was already under way. From what Marco told me, the navy had many tricks up their sleeve to keep you away from getting Ace back."

At this, Luffy looks down before meeting Newgates eyes with a sad look.

Newgate is confused at this but nods at him encouragingly.

Luffy searches his eyes but only sees confusion, curiosity, and honesty.

Taking a deep breath, Luffy tells them something he knows they will disagree with.

"One of those tricks involves one of your sons and allies. You know who Ace's father is, don't you, Oyaji?"

At the question, Newgate just nods before saying.

"I do. But I will respect Ace's wishes for it to remain a secret until he decides otherwise."

Luffy gives him a look of suprise that turns into respect and gratefulness.

"You know that son with the spider on his head? Akainu gets into his head. Telling him how you were betraying your allies for his son. He......"

Here, Luffy stops, not sure if he should continue. Afraid they won't believe him and call him a liar.

Newgate seems to understand the child's hesitancy and decides for him.

"Whatever you say, child, I will believe. You have proven that you are honest and just want to help. Now tell me. What did Akainu force my son to do."

".....he stabs you in the chest with his sword. He was angry and scared but... you forgave him. And you still called him son...after joined the war."

"That can't be true?!"

"No one would dare stab oyaji?!"


Each sentence makes Luffy curl closer and closer to Marco. And with each curl, Marco growls louder and louder. Finally, Pop's has enough.

"SILENCE! I have already told the boy I will believe him. He has no reason to lie to me."

Many look ashamed of their outburst and send Luffy apologetic looks.

Haruta, being one of the one that still had a hard time believing what Luffy was telling them, spoke up.

"I want to believe what you are telling us, kid, but.... I'm having a really hard time imagining any of this."

Luffy looks neither bothered nor discouraged simply contemplative. Like he had something to say, but he's not sure if he should.

Vista decides to nudge him gently.

"Looks like you got something on your mind there, kiddo. Mind sharing with the class?"

Startled from his thoughts, Luffy looks at Vista before looking at those around him.

"I....there's.....I can..."

Huffing a sigh of frustration, Luffy looks to Marco.

Marco looks at Luffy for a minute in confusion before remembering something he said earlier.

"Huh....ok... that... that might work."

Everyone looks at Marco, confused since the boy never said anything and just looked at him. Izo is the one who voices everyone's thoughts.

"What might work, Marco? What are you two thinking about?"

"Luffy said one of his abilities was to bring someone's memories to the past with him, right? So what if we have him bring one of us back."

Many eyes went wide at this. Finally understanding just what the two were getting at. But many looked concerned, and a few even shifted uncomfortably at the prospect. And that just made Luffy feel bad and curl into Marco even more.

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