Volunteers and Thier Order.

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"I don't know if it's a good idea or not, but, if I brought someone back, then they would have their memories, but I believe they wouldn't have all of their power. Since they have the same strength as they do in the present, they will feel weaker."

"Hmm. If that's the case, then I think I'll be the first volunteer."

Marco said with a casual shrug as he rested his head on top of Luffy's.

"Then I believe I shall also volunteer."

Newgate said with a smile as he looked into Luffy's shocked eyes. Many of the commanders were shocked as well, but none of them disagreed with either option.

Worried about the use of the fruit Vista asks if there are any side effects to which Luffy answers.

"I'm not really sure to what extent, but from what Roger told me, it can cause confusion, minor weakness due to the sudden difference in strength, or even passing out. After that, I have no idea."

Izo decides that he, too, will volunteer, shocking many of his fellow commanders.

"Well, we may as well make it three of us. I, too, shall volunteer to have my memories brought back."

"Izo? You too? Why do you want to volunteer?"

Blamenco asked curiously, as many commanders asked similar questions in suprise.

Even Luffy was startled by Izo volunteering. But then he just smiled brightly at Izo wish his signature smile and childish laugh.

"Shishishi. I'm glad you're coming back too, Izo. I know Marco will really like it. But I should warn you. You're going to need to play mother hen sitter for a while once Marco is back. He....I think it would be best if we start with Izo, then do oyaji and then Marco."

"Why that order, bud?"

Thatched asked like a curious puppy. A few commanders are nodding along and are also curious about the order Luffy chose.

"Because it would be better to have the ones who died first come back first and the ones who died last come back last. So as to have a better buffer for the tramu, they will have suffered from the future. But the reason I want to do Izo first is to both prove that it works to all of you but also....I would feel better having someone who remembers me back to help keep me together..."


Blenheim asks, confused, looking at others to see if they knew what he meant, only for Marco to once again be the one to answer.

"You mean trauma, Luffy. And I agree with the kid on the order, even if I'm not happy about it."

Marco says with a pout, nuzzling Luffy's hair to hide his disappointment at not being first and nervous about why he was last.

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