Luffy talks with Marco

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It took a while, but eventually, Luffy was able to calm down to just the occasional sniffle. Tho he absolutely refused to let go of Marco feeling safest in his hold.

"Feeling better now, Luffy?"


"Do you think you can tell me more about what you said before?"

Luffy peaks up at Marco from his chest before giving their audience a curious glance.

"Which one of you is Thatch?"

Most heads snap to the 4th commander at the question.

"Hiya! I'm Thatch. It's nice to metcha kid."

Luffy learned about Thatch from Marco in the future. And he wished he could have met him. Now that he is, he can see what Marco meant by they would get along swimmingly.

"I want you to sit up here with us.... please."

"Um...ok...sure thing, kid."

Thatch looks to Marco just to be sure and gets a concerned look but a nod of permission from Marco to join them on the bed. The second he is settled tho a hand latches on to his shirt and doesn't let go.

This causes a few more concerned glances to be thrown at Thatch. But he just shrugs in confusion.

"Izo... Oyaji....will....will you?"

Not needing any more prompts, both men moved closer to the boy. When pops got closer, tho, Luffy asked a question that surprised them.


"Yeah, Luffy?"

"Can we sit in oyaji's lap with Izo and Thatch on either side of us?"

Looking at the others, Marco was met with looks of surprise and adoration but multiple nods of agreement.

"Sure, Luffy. We can do that."

Once everyone was comfortable, Marco decided he would ask the first question.

"So Luffy. You said that you came from the future. Can you tell me how?"

"I ate the Toki-Toki no mi. The Time-Time fruit. It lets me go back or forward in time as long as I was alive at the time. And I can go anywhere in the world as my destination. I can also bring others' memories back in time with me or even from their past, like if they have amnesia."

"And why exactly are you messing with time, young one."

Looking up at oyaji, Luffy said only three words with tears in his eyes.

"Everyone was gone."

"What do you mean everyone, kid?"

Izo asks with a look of trepidation.

Looking down, Luffy explains.

"I mean everyone. My nakama, my mates, my family, my friends, and everyone I was close with were gone. All because of them."

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